
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/04 10:16:14


We place cartons vertically on pallets.Although those cartions are wrapped with plastic bags,they still lean to one side once forklift touches the pallet.Pallets are stacked one above the other in container,therefore goods would be injured by the heavy weight pressed on.
最后一句我改为:货物会因压在其上面的沉重重量而损坏 ,意思是一样的

翻译后:We are vertical the carton on pallets, although outside with plastic cover, but with forklift ...


翻译后:We are vertical the carton on pallets, although outside with plastic cover, but with forklift a touch words estimation will tilt. Container tray are layer upon layer stack of put, if when tray pressure in carton, the inside of the cargo can be crushed.


We stand the cartons on the pallets, we wrap plastic saround them,but if fork lifts touch them, they will slope. The pallets in containers are arranged in piles , if the pallets pin the cartons,the goods inside will crush.

We put the cartons on the pallets vertically, although we cover them with plastic outside, but they will lean if they were touched by a forklift truck. The pallets in the cargo container are stacked layer by layer, when the pallets press on the cartons, the goods will crushed.
手工翻译,望采纳 o(∩_∩)o

The carton is vertically put on the pallet, although outside being covered by plastic,it may be tilted once knocked by the forklift. The trays in the container is piled up layer on layer, if they push down on the carton, then all the cargos inside will be crushed completely.

英语翻译我们是竖着把纸箱放在托盘(pallet)上的,虽然外面用塑料包住,但用叉车一碰的话估计就会倾斜.集装箱里的托盘都是层层摞放的,如果当托盘压在纸箱上的时候,里面的货就都会压坏 英语翻译集装箱里的托盘都是层层摞放的,如果当托盘压在纸箱上的时候,里面的货就都会压坏.集装箱 container托盘 pallet 英语翻译由于箱数太少而没必要用托盘,你们是否愿意接受不用托盘只是几只纸箱零散的放在一起运输给你方. 能否把化学药品直接放在托盘中称量 英语翻译纸箱尺寸我们确认. 竖着的招牌英文字母怎么排,在左边还是在右边?中间是中文,想把英文放在旁边.一般是怎么摆的? 某学生用托盘天平称量食盐时,把食盐放在右托盘里,砝码放在左托盘里.某学生用托盘天平称量食盐时,把食盐放在右托盘里,砝码放在左托盘里,称得食盐为10.5g(1g以下用游码),这时食盐的真 把鸡蛋放在水里会怎么横着还是竖着浮 英语翻译把什么放在后面,时间。我们在翻译的时候为什么要放后面 在运输仓库堆放纸箱用的木托盘(我们通常叫拍子)用英语怎么说?表示拍子的数量时,用Skid恰当么? 一种装营养霜的纸盒是正方体,棱长是8厘米,做500个这样的纸盒至少要硬纸板多少平方米?把500个纸盒放在一个大纸箱中刚好装满,这个大纸箱的容积是多少? 一个表面积是412平方分米的长方体纸箱,把他放在地上至少占地44平方米,这时底面周长是27分米.体积是多少立方分米 不允许把化学药品直接放在托盘中.这句话对吗? 称取NaOH固体时,把NaOH固体放在有滤纸的托盘上称量. 把小车放在光滑的水平桌面上,向挂在小车两端的托盘里加砝码 托盘天平称量时,能把容器直接放在左盘上吗?$(acontent) 把一物体放在天平的左托盘中,当天平的右托盘中放五个鸡蛋时,左托盘低,当天平的右托盘中放六个鸡蛋时左托盘估计物体的质量(初一下册,数学《一元一次不等式》)最后一个左托盘高,少 为什么宇宙会把我们放在地球?而不把我们放在其他星球?比如火星.是巧合?