翻译Two of the most famous symbols in the world are the Red Cross and the Red Crescent.They are the symbols of the International Red Cross Society and the Islamic version of the same group,the International Red Crescent Society.Both societies do th

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/04 08:31:03

翻译Two of the most famous symbols in the world are the Red Cross and the Red Crescent.They are the symbols of the International Red Cross Society and the Islamic version of the same group,the International Red Crescent Society.Both societies do the same thing:they help people who have been injured in war or natural disasters such as floods and earthquakes.In June,1859 a Swiss man named Jean-Henri Dunant organized emergency aid for hundreds of French and Austrian soldiers who lay wounded and dying after the Battle of Solferino in Italy.He wrote a book about what happened and suggested that voluntary relief groups should be organized in every country.People around the world read his book and in 1864 the first groups formed under the name “International Red Cross”.Their plan was to have ambulances (救护车) to help the injured in wartime.These ambulances would have large red crosses on them.Soldiers on both sides would know that these ambulances had injured men in them and would not attack them.It was not long before the Red Cross had hospitals on the battlefields(战地) and ships to carry the injured soldiers.Now they even have flying helicopters in the sky.As time passed the Red Cross grew larger.Now they have blood banks and take food to people who are starving(饥饿).Wherever there is a disaster,either the Red Cross or the Red Crescent will be there.




