
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/16 13:12:49


In connection with the present situation,namely the poor China's comparative advantage of service trade,analyzing the current China's service trade structure and adjusting the industrial policy.Besides,according to the related provisions of GATS,strengthening the national macro-control towards the service trade and confirming the strategic emphasis on the development of the service industry.
The reasons and countermeasures of China' service trade delay.

Reasons and countermeasures on lag trade in services of our nation
Aiming at the current comparative weak situation of advantages on trade in services of our nation, we analyzed the current struct...


Reasons and countermeasures on lag trade in services of our nation
Aiming at the current comparative weak situation of advantages on trade in services of our nation, we analyzed the current structure of China's trade in service and the policy of industrial adjustment. In accordance with the relevant provisions of GATS, we need to strengthen national macro-control on trade in services and determine the strategic focus of the development of service industry.


Based on our poor comparative advantage of service trade, the current service trade structure of China is analysed. According to the related regulations of GATS,adjusting the industri...


Based on our poor comparative advantage of service trade, the current service trade structure of China is analysed. According to the related regulations of GATS,adjusting the industrial policy and improving the State macro-control to service trade and determining the strategic key on developing service industry are proposed in this paper.
the Retardation Reason and Countermeasure of Service Trade in China



英语翻译针对我们服务贸易比较优势较弱的现状,分析当前我国服务贸易结构,调整产业政策,并按照GATS的有关规定,加强国家对服务贸易的宏观调控,确定发展服务产业的战略重点我国服务贸易 英语翻译全球化时代服务贸易的发展趋势——兼论我国服务贸易的发展思路 英语翻译本文通过总结分析北京服务贸易进出口规模、结构、商业存在服务贸易和自然人流动服务贸易的现状,找出北京服务贸易存在的问题.然后分别从政府、协会、企业三个层面提出了健 国际服务贸易特点当代国际服务贸易的主要特点 国际服务贸易的分类 最近他们比较的忙,不方便我们过去服务他们 英语翻译 英语翻译本文通过国际市场占有率指数、显示性比较优势指数、贸易竞争力指数三个指数,分析我国蜂蜜出口的国际竞争力,得出我国蜂蜜出口相比较于阿根廷和墨西哥竞争优势不足. 国际服务贸易的产生与发展 玻璃钢搅拌罐质量服务,价格都比较有优势的厂家? 英语翻译长期以来青岛服务贸易逆差与货物贸易顺差形成了鲜明的对比,针对这一现实,提高青岛服务贸易国际竞争力成为急需解决的问题.青岛市将于2008年承办奥运会的部分水上项目,这对青 英语翻译怎么翻译更准确,在服务贸易的德国公司 在服务贸易中的德国公司 或德国公司的服务贸易哪位英语高手能给我翻译一句这句话啊,这是一篇论文的题目,怎么翻译更准确啊服务贸易中 产品生命周期理论是一种更有用的方式比传统比较优势理论在解释贸易如何产生 英语翻译从保护和尊重客户的利益出发,按国内的规定要求贵司加盖公章可能给您带来了困扰,但是贸易方式的发展变化值得我们继续完善服务. 想问下,转折号的服务优势是什么? 英语翻译比较优势学说指出即使一个国家各行业都缺乏效率,没有低成本产品,但是通过国际贸易依然能得到贸易. 什么是国际服务贸易 英语翻译第五章以浙江省中小企业为例,对其进行了国际竞争力的分析,包括指标分析和优劣势分析.现阶段衡量国际竞争力的指标主要有两个:贸易专业化指数和显示性比较优势指数.贸易专业 比较优势与竞争优势的区别