
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/06 00:14:42


在这些情况下,责怪学生很容易,但更大的问题是我们.我们 — 身为父母 — 是如此的渴望去保护自己的孩子,但没有意识到这是伤害他们.作为两个年幼的儿子的母亲,我不得不经常提醒自己,身为家长,最大的责任是要帮助他们发展所需的生活技能,没有我也能生活.所以,我会让他们失败.
Nowadays,it is common to see students who go to job interview with their parents.
It’s easy to blame the students in these situations,but the bigger problem is us.We — as parents — are so eager to protect our kids that we fail to realize that this is harming them.As the mother of two young sons,I have to remind myself all the time that the biggest duty I have as a parent is to help them develop the skills needed to live in,to live without me.So,I’ll let them fail.
I’ll let them fail because as long as they are safe and warm inside their comfort zones,they will never grow.And failure — along with loss,heartbreak,disappointment,etc.— will be part of growth for them.Call me the anti-tiger mom,but leaving them alone is my way of helping them fit in this world as we know it today.If we expect the next generation to stand up to the very real problems of our time,we need to stop feeding them and start teaching them how to fish.
My children are faced with hard situations in their own life almost each day,but they try to deal with everything now.It’s a small price to help them learn a skill they’ll use for the rest of their lives,including when I don’t come with them on job interviews.






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