It is interesting to read the book.It is interesting reading the book.这两句从语法上讲都是可以的,但是为什么说第一句优于第二句呢?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/20 07:55:59

It is interesting to read the book.It is interesting reading the book.

It is + 形容词 to do sth固定句式“做某事怎么样”.首先it为形式主语,那么后面为什么用不定式to do sth呢?像这个句子,interesting 是用来表现主语的特点或特性的,即 表现“ reading the book” is interesting,所以准确的、正式的来说,我们不采用第一句,而采用第二句的形式,第一句的用法更加标准化.

It is interesting reading the book.易与进行时相混,语感也不如前一句。

It is interesting to do做某事很有趣