
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/17 16:36:16


The meaning of life and value
One unlucky then fall on evil days,all day long for food around,even when you are sad,sigh deeply.Even if the day also passable,worry about food and clothing,to dress warmly,but also always bustling about,trapped in a rein,was tied to an agile.Also have dizzy spells,muddle along without any aim,don't know why live life.
The numerous living beings,the meaning of life and value from where about?
I myself belong to numerous living beings of the column,also hard to avoid muddle along without any aim,no better than any people high in a tiny bit.If want to make a difference,that is some:I,there are a number of other people,have some ideas,move your head a little bit,and admission of these ideas is to have some truth.
I have some idea of what?To say a bit too far.In today's world in the flames of war,people care for nothing but lust.",employ incapable men instead of able men,mediocre people are in power",is a very unstable times.However,for the future of the human race,I was always an optimist.I believe,no matter how much more after arduous and tortuous,regardless of how many time,human will become better,the human great harmony will not merely empty idealism.However,want to achieve this goal,must pass through countless generations efforts.As a race,each generation has its own journey to run.It is like a chain,is composed of many rings,each ring from itself,is simply not worth mentioning something; but without this thing,it was impossible for the chain.In the development of human society in the river,we each generation has its own task,but is not essential to the is.If we say that life has meaning and value,its significance and the value here.
However,this truth in human society,only a few can understand a person with breadth of vision.Mr.Lu Xun called " the backbone of China",refers to the people.For those of the stomach to eat KFC,McDonald's,pizza with,end just muddle along without any aim of people,like the summer insects are not sufficient to and ice,these principles are not talking.They don't understand themselves on the human development should assume the responsibility.
Saying here,I want to put the above mean briefly to sum up:if the life really has the significance and value,its significance and the value is to link between the human development,sense of responsibility.

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