英语翻译(man) I see you go a new book bag.You’re not using that old ripped one any more(woman) On top of that,I had to buy a new statistics book ‘cause my old one fell out of the ripped book bag.(narrator) What can be inferred about the woman

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/16 06:29:15

(man) I see you go a new book bag.You’re not using that old ripped one any more
(woman) On top of that,I had to buy a new statistics book ‘cause my old one fell out of the ripped book bag.
(narrator) What can be inferred about the woman?(A)She should have bought a new book bag earlier

(A)她应该更早就卖一个新书包(should have done 句型 应该做却没做,这里的意思是轻微责备WOMAN应该在掉书之前就换书包)

(woman) Thanks for making my coffee this morning.
W 谢谢你早上给我做咖啡
(man) I figured you’d need it to get you going after a day like yesterday.
M 我觉察到你可能需要它使你坚持过像昨天的一天。
【get you going可以按照语境翻...


(woman) Thanks for making my coffee this morning.
W 谢谢你早上给我做咖啡
(man) I figured you’d need it to get you going after a day like yesterday.
M 我觉察到你可能需要它使你坚持过像昨天的一天。
【get you going可以按照语境翻译成使你前进/度过等等,这里似乎表现出了女人昨天的辛苦,所以翻译成坚持】
(narrator) What does the man imply about the woman?A She had a hard day yesterday
N 男人说明了关于女人的什么? A 她昨天过得很辛苦
(man) What a concert that was! You must be feeling pleased with yourselves.
M 那多么正确啊!你一定要为自己感到高兴
(woman) We are, and judging by the amount of applause, everybody appreciated it.
W 我们确实是,(我们表演的好坏)由掌声来进行判决,而我们所有人都感谢它。【意思就是观众给了她们很多掌声,说明她们被认可了,女人很高兴】
(narrator) What does the woman mean?A The audience seemed to like the concert.
N 女人什么意思? A 观众看起来喜欢这个音乐会
