“When you are entertaining an idea,you should serve food for thought”请教各位,如何翻译?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/05/03 21:24:59

“When you are entertaining an idea,you should serve food for thought”请教各位,如何翻译?

When you are entertaining an idea,you should serve food for thought
[entertain an idea/hope/thought etc]是一个词组,意为:formal to consider an idea etc,or allow yourself to think that something might happen or be true.正式考虑某想法,敢于想象某事发生的可能性.例句 She could never entertain the idea of living in the country.
[serve food for thought] 为你的思想提供粮食.这大概是一个比喻,类似于“用行动浇灌精神之花”

如果翻译不周 请多多见谅~新年快乐~

