
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/10 18:44:54

As the solar term just passing by the autumnal equinox,I suddenly felt a little bit colder .In the morning I walked along the seaside and felt the sea was bluer and further than before.When I looked back to the Gumo mountain,I felt the autumn was getting deeper.How lovely the autumn was.I really didn’t understand why autumn was described as desolate,horrible and depress in Qiu sheng fu written by O Yang xiu.I think spring full of colorful flowers and green trees is indeed lovely.However,autumn which full of fruits is amazing.Autumn is more prosperous than spring and spring is more colorful than autumn.Look!There are some persimmon trees in the west valley.They are so lovely and so red just like fire is shining.There were so many poets and painters spoke highly of the color of maple leaves in history,however they are much inferior compared to the persimmon trees.And there are apples.自己翻译的

  The weather suddenly grew chilly just after the autumnal equinox. Early in the morning, as I strolled along the shore it seemed to me that the sea had become bluer, the sky even higher.
  Turning round to look the Gumo Ridge it stuck me as the quintessence of autumn.
  Lovely autumn
  I can never understand why some ancient poets describe autumn as so somber and desolate. Verdant spring with its bright flowers is certainly beautiful, but to me fruitful autumn is still more enchanting.
  Autumn is a scene of abundance. Autumn is a riot of colors. Look at that little persimmon orchard in the west valley. It has the dazzling red of a sheet of flame. Even the hues of maple trees, praised by countless poets and artists past and present, become pale by comparison with these persimmons.
  Then there are the famed russet apples, enchantingly bright and vivid. The oval, transparent green grapes look as though carved of jade or crystal, while the round “Rosy Grapes” are like strings of purple beads… Yes, autumn is bewithching!
秋色渐浓the autumn day becomes more engrossing
Qiu sheng fu: ode to the voice/sound of autumn
怎么这么懒 只做了一半 欧阳修也拼错了

英语翻译时序刚刚过了秋分,就觉得突然增加了一些凉意.早晨到海边散步,仿佛觉得那蔚蓝的大海,比以前更加蓝了一些,也比以前更加高远了一些.回头向古陌岭上望去,秋色更浓了.多么可爱的 《秋色赋》 秋色赋 时序刚刚过了秋分,就觉得突然增加了一些凉意.早晨到海边去散步,仿佛觉得那蔚蓝的大海,比前更加蓝了一些;天,也比前更加高远了一些.回头向古陌岭上望去,秋色更浓了. 《秋色赋》阅读题.秋色赋时序刚刚过了秋分,就觉得突然增加了一些凉意.早晨到海边去散步,仿佛觉得那蔚蓝的大海,比前更加蓝了一些;天,也比前更加高远了一些.回头向古陌岭上望去,秋色 英语翻译就这句话:原来这边也要下雨了,早上突然被人嘈醒,觉得心好空,幸好你在 英语翻译刚刚学用 trados ,之前翻译后在word中点那个两个对着的箭头符号就可以隐藏原文,后来不知道怎么突然就不管用了 英语翻译英语翻译:突然觉得各种烦!怎么说? 我的大脑为何会突然短路?刚刚想做的事情忽然忘记,然后就想不起来了 有没试过一直盯着一个字看,盯着盯着,突然觉得不认识这个字了! 2014 8 17号6点过地震了我这里是四川省宜宾翠屏区的一栋楼房,就在刚刚6点过我正在睡觉,突然床在晃,连窗户都在震的响,我猛然被吓醒,(拿了手机看了一眼)晃了半分钟,就恢复正常了,现在我 我家就是小锅那种电视 今天看电视突然没台了 我就出去把小锅调整一下 回来 自动收台 刚刚还有的台突然没了 只有31个 刚刚还54个台 咋办 我的英语六级证书不见了怎么办?我2010年考的六级,虽然不高,但是好歹也过了,今天突然发现不见了,找遍了寝室都没有,杯具啊,依稀记得前几天还拿出来过的,就这样没了!刚刚上网查了一下,发 从锅里拿出刚刚煮熟的鸡蛋,刚刚并不觉得烫手,但过了一会就很烫了,为什么?从锅里拿出刚刚煮熟的鸡蛋,刚刚并不觉得烫手,但过了一会就很烫了,为什么?那么鸡蛋的温度是不是比原来降低呢? 下午天空中突然出现粉色的云,过了一会就突然消失了是怎么回事海口 过了这一次,我们就结婚.英语翻译, 过了这一次,我们就结婚.英语翻译, 英语翻译文变染呼世情,兴废系时序是什么? 大脑突然兴奋怎么回事突然就觉得浑身是力气 就跑了一百多米 我以前连跑都不想 这是不是一种病 英语翻译“我刚刚看完了这部喜剧.” 为啥我自己就分不清时态了呢.