DIY first appeared in the west.这一篇首字母填空,

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/25 23:21:47

DIY first appeared in the west.这一篇首字母填空,

iy first appeared in the west .now it is becoming more and more p 1 in china .mor and more people are interested in it
why many people enjoy diy the first r 2 is that itis fun .people can get a happy feeling when they make something new .it can f3 their life with joy and make them relaxed .secondly ,it is green .diy means using l 4 helps to make the world a greener one .diy means a lower c5 .people don not need to pay much money when they make things t6 .thirdly ,diy helps people make new friends .whenpeople a 7 a diy course or go to a diy club ,they meet up with many other people who have the same interest .theyhave a lot to s 8 with each other .this can be the beginning of friend ship .last but not least ,diy is easy .as beginner ,you msy make some m9 or even make a mess ,but never mind ,as you practice more ,you will surprise at yourself by how well you can make or r 10 things!
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