
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/24 22:09:16


  据说,在遥远的古代,马德里还是个人迹罕至的地方,只有几户人家,星星点点分布在原始森林中.一天,有一个小孩在屋外玩耍,突然有一头黑熊向他扑来,那孩子急中生智,赶紧爬到树上,正在那时,他的妈妈找他回家,孩子的妈妈只顾寻找孩子,根本没有注意到蹲在树下张着血盆大口的黑熊.就在万分危急的时刻,孩子不顾自己的安危,在树上大喊起来“妈妈快跑!”母亲这才惊觉,躲到了安全的地方.为了纪念这个勇敢的孩子,在那里建城之后,人们便用这句“妈妈快跑”(西班牙语“马德里”)作了这个城市的名字 .
  It is said ,in the great antiquity ,Madrid is an unfrequented place,only few families live there,they were distubted sporadic in the wildwood.One day,there was a boy was playing outside the house,suddenly,a black bear gathered all its strength to rush at him.The little boy showed resourcefulness in an emergency,and climbed a tree quickly.At that time,his mother was looking for him to go home,his mother was absorbed in looking for his child and didn't notice the bear which was opening its big mouth and shouting at her under the tree.At the dangerous moment,
  the clever boy shouted at his mother:"MUM,Run quikly" and he was regardless of his safety of life.His mother was very surprise when he heard the voice and ran to the safty place .In order to meomorialized the brave boy,a city was built there and the people named the city "MADRID"(Mum,run quickly).