
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/12 12:30:30


Stonehenge (also called Stonehenge) Salisbury stones, cricoid column stone, the sun temple, prehistoric stone desk, stone hang put to boulder fence, stowe Ken made stone circle, 4000 BC - 2000 BC built. Located 120 km away from London in a small village in arms ". Covers an area of about 11 hectares, is mainly composed of many whole blue sandstone composition, each about the weight of 50 tons. Stonehenge in architectural history not only has important position in astronomy, but also has significant meaning: its main axis, the road to the pillars and the summer solstice, the rising sun in the morning in the same line; In addition, still have among them two stones attachment point to the winter solstice sunset direction.