一个英文slang问题have a hollow leg 是指“海量”形容某人很能喝酒吗?也能形容某人的 “食量”吗 即很能吃.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/24 07:30:53

have a hollow leg 是指“海量”形容某人很能喝酒吗?也能形容某人的 “食量”吗 即很能吃.

have a hollow leg 形容海量. 也可以形容人的食量大,大胃王.
【 海量 】
Do you want to drink him under the table? 你想灌醉他?
Well... you can never do. He got a hallow leg, you know. 他可是海量,从来没有醉过.
【 大胃王 】
--You've ordered much more food than you can eat. 你点了这么多能吃的了吗?
-- i feel like starving !我感觉饿呀!
--Well. you really have a hollow leg. 哎,你可真是个大胃王.

能喝酒 He never get drunk,we always say that he has a hollow leg

hollow leg [俚语] 贪吃的人,酒量大的人,贪吃而不胖的人。
The way Gary eats, you would think he has a hollow leg.