
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/07 00:37:49


The consumers should learn to distinguish whether the advertisements are true or not ,and to protect themselves with the law as a weapon when their legitimate rights are blemished

百度首页 | 百度空间 张宇轩的博客虚伪的世界人们带着面具,我分辨不出. 主页博客相册|个人档案 |好友 查看文章
QQ问问学堂入门规则篇部分答案(入门规则篇 )2007-11-05 11:31入门规则篇
1. 可以通过搜索关键字,或按问题分类查找等方式查找自己关心的问题 查看提示

2. 不管是否拥有QQ号码和密码,都要在问问中重新注册后才能...


百度首页 | 百度空间 张宇轩的博客虚伪的世界人们带着面具,我分辨不出. 主页博客相册|个人档案 |好友 查看文章
QQ问问学堂入门规则篇部分答案(入门规则篇 )2007-11-05 11:31入门规则篇
1. 可以通过搜索关键字,或按问题分类查找等方式查找自己关心的问题 查看提示

2. 不管是否拥有QQ号码和密码,都要在问问中重新注册后才能登录 查看提示

3. 如果对答案不满意,则可以不处理该问题 查看提示

4. 选择了满意答案后,可以更改自己的选择 查看提示

5. 提问时可以加入表情图标,更好的表达自己的心情 查看提示

6. 完成新手学堂全部课程,即可点亮问问图标 查看提示

7. 只要在问问中提......


consumers should learn distinguish whether advertisements are true or not and use laws as weapons to protect themselves whan their legitimate rights are hurt

Consumers need to learn the distinguish the false advertisments from the true ones, and use law as the weapon to protect ourselves when legal rights are being invaded.

The consumer wants to learn to distinguish the advertisement the truth, and, in their legitimate rights and interests receive the injury time protects itself with the legal weapon.