
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/01 23:34:42


听力第一题1.How many shirts does the man have?
A.5. B.6. C.7.
1—5 CACBC 6—10 ACCAB 11—15 ACBCB 16—20 BACCA
21—25 ACADB 26—30 ACBDD 31—35 CCDCB
36—40 CADDB 41—45 BCDCA 46—50 BACDA 51—55 BCDAB
56—60 AADBC 61—65 ADCCA 66—70 AACBD 71—75 DCABC
76.Modern technology and its influence.
77.①farming with bare hands.
②living close to hunger.
③making tools from wood and stone.
78.have their danger/ have bad effects on us
79.Because our love of speed seems never ending.
One possible version:
How I miss you and your family!Stepping into the New Year,I’m writing to express my thanks and share with you my school life and my New Year resolution.
But for your generous help,I couldn’t enjoy a wonderful school life now.I’m on good terms with the teachers and my fellow classmates here.Also,I am getting along well with my study.Actually,I’m making progress.Ever since Senior Three,I’ve been working harder.My goal is to major in physics,which I’m always fascinated with ,so I will spare no effort to be admitted into my dream university in the New Year.I want to pass your kindness on by devoting myself to the world of science.
Words seem to fail me every time I try to express my thanks to you ,and I’ll keep my promise and not let you down.Please be my guest anytime at your convenience.Wish you and your family good health and lots of happiness in the New Year!
Yours sincerely,
Li Hua

山东省济南市2012届高三5月(三模)英语 山东省济南市天气预报?有雨么 山东省济南市一周天气预报 山东省济南市商河县 2010年日环食2010年1月15日,将出现日环食问;山东省济南市能看见吗?长清区呢? 山东省和济南市翻译成英文是什么? 请问山东省济南市用英语怎么写? 请问如何把国内地址翻译成加拿大地址格式?如:山东省济南市天桥区顺河东街2号5号楼,请帮忙,谢谢!山东省济南市天桥区顺河东街2号金冠花园5号楼(此地址,急求!!!) 山东省济南市**中心翻译为“Jinan Center, Shandong Province,”可以吗?山东省济南市******中心 地理生物会考地理我是B请问如果分数够能上四中实验班吗?(山东省济南市章丘市) 根据第六次全国人口普查主要数据公报,2010年11月全国大陆总人口约为13.397亿.山东省的人口数约占全国总人口的7.2%.山东省大约有多少人?济南市的人口数约占山东省总人口的7.11%.济南市大 山东省济南市高一课本版本我今年该上高一,济南市的,请问济南市的课本都是什么版本的 山东省济南市高一必修一语文课本目录 山东省济南市最新高一语文必修一要背哪些文言文 2010年山东省济南市会考补考英语B卷答案 山东省济南市最新高一语文第二册要背哪些文言文? 山东省济南市“暑假读一本好书”推荐书目 山东省济南市市中区舜耕路40号 英文怎么说