
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/08 16:26:43


Hello,ladies and gentlemen! My name is xx. I my pleasure to meet you all in this class. Basketball is my favorite sport. I like to listen to music as well. I am looking forward to study with you. I hope we can get along well with each other and become good friends. I have a feeling that our class will become a beautiful, wonderful,powerful and successful class. That's all. Thank you very much!

hello,ladies and gentlemen!my name is .....i am 15 years oid . my hobby is singing.i like by2 best.i think their songs are good to listen.do you also like them?iam very excited that i can came here to study with you .i hope we can become good friends and make great progress in the following year .thank you

Hello,name is xx. I my pleasure to meet you all in this class. Basketball is my favorite sport. I like to listen to music as well. I am looking forward to study with you. I hope we can get along well ...


Hello,name is xx. I my pleasure to meet you all in this class. Basketball is my favorite sport. I like to listen to music as well. I am looking forward to study with you. I hope we can get along well with each other and become good friends. I have a feeling that our class will become a beautiful, wonderful,powerful and successful class. That's all. Thank you very much!鐧惧害鍦板浘


高中分班英语自我介绍文理分科,我选择了文科班,而我的班级比较特殊,有39个女生,6个男生.明天英语课要自我介绍,用英语,我想让女生对我有印象,该说些什么内容好,还有什么短语比较牛逼的 我英语62,如何选择文理分科? 我英语62,如何选择文理分科? 文理分科怎么选择 高一文理分科求分析我现在高一就快放假了 ,需要文理分科,,别的还凑合,实在是知不道报啥好啊.我成绩属于中下游. 如果现在的英语不是很好,基础差,可高中文理分科时我选择了文科,想要读翻译有希望吗啊? 如果现在的英语不是很好,基础差,可高中文理分科时我选择了文科,想要读翻译有希望吗? 关于文理分科的事 马上就要分科了,不知道怎么选择文理我上的是重点高中,高一下学期分科,我上学期没好好学,所以理科不好,我的文科没复习但是校名较靠前,不知道我是适合学文学理? 文理分科,怎么选择.数学分数中等,英语比较好,极其一般,分数在60~现在高一上学期就要分班了…… 好像文科比理科强,该怎么选择我是高一的女生,马上就要文理分科了 高二文理要分科了,但是很纠结.但是数学不太行,但化学不太好,该怎么选择啊? 我是高一的女生,面临着高二文理分科的问题,英语85,化学选81.生...我是高一的女生,面临着高二文理分科的问题,英语85,化学选81.我比较喜欢历史和化学,请问我该如何选择文理科 文理分科 数学英语也很烂 文理分科用英语怎么说 文理分科选择文理分科的时候我选了我根本不会的理科 我怕我跟不上 怎么办?我现在很怕 我怕我会跟不上. 我是女生 如何选择文理班我们快文理分班了 英语125 我该怎么选呢 高二文理分科,我语文59,英语82,我该学什么这些总分都是100分.. 高一分文理,英语很差,其他一般,.其实文理我都喜欢,应该怎么选择.