有谁知道关于Cherish Life.Enrich Youth(加上翻译)

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有谁知道关于Cherish Life.Enrich Youth(加上翻译)




这确实是一句口号 但是意思是“珍爱生命,无愧青春”不管青春期是怎样的 我们不能过度的去思念他 也不能完全责怪他 他奉劝人不要为过去的青春年华而虚荣 也不要懊悔

Does love last forever? Is health always follow you? Can youth remain long? Does your family always stay whole? No. There is no everlasting dinner in the world. Birth, aged, illness and deat...


Does love last forever? Is health always follow you? Can youth remain long? Does your family always stay whole? No. There is no everlasting dinner in the world. Birth, aged, illness and death are the natural law. Life seams a very short moment like the rushing water under a bridge. Even a hundred-year-old age is just a short moment compared with the long history of the universe. However, some people seam to care nothing about life. They muddle along, live for money as mammonists, live for beer and skittles, live in defiance of conventions or even murder for property. These people will cry their hearts out regretting their ignorance on the faith of life and feel sorry for their love, youth, health, wealth and families that have gone forever like soap bubbles before they could have enjoyed these enough. Their sad lessons tell us that life is bitter and short if you don’t cherish it. On the other hand, life is happy and long enough if you have a strong wise faith of cherishing it. Start from the very beginning of your age to cherish your life, youth, family, the nature and everything given by the universe, and your life will be full of love and you will live a beatific peaceful happy life. When the last day comes, you can say you have enjoyed the truth, goodness and beauty of life.
My faith of life is to cherish life and all gifts the universe has given me. This faith has benefited my life in many ways. I live happily with my family, work favorably and get along well with all around me. I have learnt to taste each moment of my life and smell each gift of the world. I feel my life so wonderful, satisfying, rich and pretty long.
A true love in life is my most valuable treasure. I must cherish my wife’s love. It is said that the true love, your wife, is the good future or the gift which you had gained by accumulating merits in the heaven for over thousands of years. I always cherish the love from my wife. I do know it would be too late to cherish my wife when I have lost love. At noon everyday, as I come back from work, seeing my wife busy cooking, I immediately go into the kitchen to help beside her. I always like what she has made and never complain about. In return, she always tries her best to cook nice food for me. I cherish my wife in all ways. For example, she has born me two kids. Each time she went into the delivery room followed by me and I kept taking good care of her so that she could feel well, calm and safe with me. I love my two kids, a son and a daughter. I gave my son the name Happy and my daughter Rose. Everyone on earth, I think, cherishes Happy and Rose.
But life is not always easy and peaceful like a smooth sailing. Because of heavy burden of life, hardship of work and complex social relations, once my wife got so angry that she bunked off. She made a bed in her office of her company and refused to come home. Such an incident brought me an inglorious situation. I might have well punished her. But a question arose in my mind, “Do you cherish this love?” The answer is sure. I began to think what to do to cherish her. And I began to stand on her place and think for her whenever she refused to say anything or whatever blames she throw at me. Again and again I went to her with apologizes and explanations. Sometimes the idea in the mind is complicated. A flash idea came upon like “Is she interested in anyone else? How about a divorce?” So the faith of cherishing life must be firm in deed. The final answer was NO. In fact, the dark before dawn is the blackest. After waiting perseveringly with hardest patience, success was coming close. My true feelings and contain finally gained her forgive. She changed her views in the end and came with me back home. Gradually, she was getting much more charming than ever. She loves me more than herself now. In one word, if you cherish love, the love cherishes you in return.
Actually, there are all sorts of treasures like life for us to cherish. Your own body and health, for example, is well worth cherishing. He who has a faith of cherishing life is sure to cherish his own body and health. You might say, “Everyone in the world cherishes his or her body and health.” No, not everyone. Those who have no faith in cherishing life are very likely to damage their health. Take the smokers for example, the smokers with a firm faith would quit smoking and never pick it up any more while the ones without a firm faith quit smoking many a time and pick up smoking again and again until serious illness comes at them. They cherish cigarettes more than their own bodies. How can they prevent illnesses from destroying their health? We can see many people, young and old, men and women, take exercise in the parks every day. Sure they have a much more firm faith of cherishing life compared with those lazy ones lying in bed until late morning without eating breakfast. Without regular exercise and diet, how can they keep fit? The worst enemy of damaging human’s health is the drugpushers and druggers. All people with a life faith must rise up to fight against them for human health.
Another example of neglect in cherishing life is the commit suicide. The suicides look as if they cherished their lives before they try to take their lives. But they are likely to hesitate while meeting trouble or difficulty in life for, in fact, they have no faith of cherishing life. Many times the police have saved suicides one after another who hate living on. When asked why he or she must take his or her life, their answers are different but with a common reason that they find it no need to cherish their lives any more. They cherish their glory, wealth, money, friendship or passion more than life. After saved, tended and enlightened in hospital, some are awakened and regretted for they again feel the worthy of life. Some feel grateful to the police. So you see, these people should have taught to have a firm faith in life so that fewer dangerous situations appear, less human damage happens and less loss arises.
Besides our bodies, we are given all sorts of valuable gifts such as jobs, animals, the nature and many more else all round us. First of all, everyone has to work for themselves, their family and society. Most people do cherish their jobs, enjoying their work no matter how hard their jobs are, for they always show love to life and the gifts from the universe. But quiet a few people do not cherish their jobs when they have enough money, or find their jobs harder than someone else’s. They begin to goldbrick or quit. Their go-slow in work sometimes would cause the companies or factories serious losses. Even worse, their careless work would cause accidents with blood and deaths. You see, those who do not have a life faith of cherishing their jobs may bring trouble to the society.
Trees, grass, animals, water, air and so on are all our friends we must cherish. We will find it a noble tusk to cherish a deep love for them. Foolish things were done to our friends by those without a faith of life cherish. Here is a true story as an example. 50 Years ago in China, trees are cut down everywhere, to take the place of coal, for steel-making. Within only half a year or so, many mountains all over the county became bald. Strange accidents happened one after another after trees are cut down. For example, wolves in group came into villages in the daytime and pigs, goats, and farmers young and old were bitten to death here and there. Some of the deaths had never seen a wolf before. An old farmer, wounded by a wolf, told his family that he had thought it was a big dig, for he had never seen one. This lesson is worth learning and we must have a firm faith of cherishing our friends ----the gifts the universe gives.

As a life faith of cherishing what the universe gives, it should be a wise one. I know a famous saying “We never cherish any unrealistic fancies about those desperate criminals.” What we cherish is welldoing and no evildoing is worth cherishing. Terrorists all over the world have brought us too much trouble, loss and damage and too many deaths. Never shall we show any pity on these evildoers. We shall express our gratitude to those who are fighting a battle against terrorists. And it is also foolish to cherish every death. While watching TV, we may see a wolf kills a rabbit or a lion bites a goat to death. It is a balance of living nature. Don’t think that the rabbit or the goat ought to be cherished and wolf or lion to be a terrorist.
What’s more, what we should cherish are so many that we have to choose between primary and secondary. Lack of the wise faith, sometimes one is likely to have no idea which to cherish in time of danger. Here is a story taken as an example of wrong action in cherishing life. Just before off duty time, a masked man broke into a cash office where only a young girl clerk was working. Hearing a shout “Money or life”, the girl, who cherished both her life and the money, made a mistake at the razor-edge. She rose up to fight against the robber and soon got killed. She ought to have chosen her life rather than money. Life is given you once while money whenever. There is a Chinese Saying “With a green mountain remained, there will be no worry about firewood for cook”. As a piece of advice, it teaches one to choose life safety first of all in time of danger except some other especial political cases that can be discussed next time. Therefore, it is a must to have a wise faith of cherishing life and all gifts given.
Usually people with a wise faith of life will have good manners. They are able to choose when to cherish others instead of themselves. Sometimes on a bus you may find that a strong young man is pretending taking no notice of a sick old man until another boy or girl gives his or her seat to that old sick man. The young man must have seen that old man and have been wondering whether he should cherish himself or the old man. He fails to give away his seat because he thinks it reasonable to cherish himself. How does such a mistaken choice occur? It is the young man’s unwise faith of life that causes the mistake. With the unwise faith, he has never thinks that he, too, will become a sick old man one day. He should have been wise enough to think that he ought to be given a seat when old. That is, a faith of cherishing life is not enough. We hope everyone has a wise one.
Should everyone have a strong wise faith of cherishing both life and the gifts the universe gives, there would be far less accidents, deaths or damages in the world. Live and cherish life, and you will enjoy your life and love the nature, the families and everything round you. A strong wise faith of cherishing life helps you to live to the last moment of your life with a satisfaction at your long enough days of life. When the last day comes, you can say you have enjoyed the truth, goodness and beauty of your long enough life.
提供:10级4班 C.Z.翻译算了吧。自己看着改改


Cherish Life,Enrich Youth
All things in the world, only the most valuable life, not all of life there will be no loss of life, loss of sel...


Cherish Life,Enrich Youth
All things in the world, only the most valuable life, not all of life there will be no loss of life, loss of self-respect, the loss of life. A seed, an ant, all tied to a tiny life, in 5,000 years of Chinese civilization in the history of mankind with a love of life and perseverance, the preparation of a civilization of the river of life. Deaf but to create the world's masterpieces by Beethoven, Warriors Hawking's wheelchair,... ... are we to tell the true meaning of life, what forces so that they become great?

Life is just a process, and even a brief period of the course, even a short-lived as a blanking of the sky in a meteor, then we should not let life shine more light it? Montaigne in his "love for life "In the article, wrote:" I rely on the rapid time to pay close attention to retain the fleeting days; I think by the time the effective use of a hurry to make up for the passage of time.'s Remaining life is short, the more I make, the more the Life enrichment doing so well. "
Yes, there was only one person in life, when and where the lives of what the end result, no one can expect. But the great man left behind a monument, a philosopher in the broad left behind Shensui thought, the poet left behind in the breathtaking emotional spirits, the artist leaves behind a rich and precious heritage ... ...
We are all mortal, a member since come to this world, we should let it all their lives, ideas, feelings, character into full bloom in March picturesque fields, in the quiet way of life, life to sing A warm and full of song. In this way, is considered a good life and live for Love.
世界上所有的东西,只有最宝贵的生命,但并非所有的生活不会有生命,失去自尊,生命的损失。一粒种子,蚂蚁,所有连接到一个小生命,在5000年在人类的生活和毅力,一个生命的爱流域文明历史的中华文明的准备年。聋人而是为了创造贝多芬,勇士霍金的轮椅,世界的杰作... ...我们能告诉生命的真正意义,是什么力量使他们成为伟大的?

是的,只有一个在生活中,何时何地什么样的最终结果,没有人可以预期的生活的人。但伟人身后留下一座丰碑,一个在后面留下广阔深遂的哲学家的思想,情感留在了壮丽的精神背后的诗人,艺术家留下了丰富而宝贵的遗产... ...
我们都是凡人,自来到这个世界的一份子,我们应该让所有的生活,思想,情感,性格到盛开在三月如诗如画的领域,在生活,生活安静地唱歌曲充满温暖, 。通过这种方式,被认为是一个良好的生活和居住的爱。


Your life is a lie
Now comes your moment for truth
You've played roulette with other lives
Today you play with your own
Don't take life for granted
Nobody can help you<...


Your life is a lie
Now comes your moment for truth
You've played roulette with other lives
Today you play with your own
Don't take life for granted
Nobody can help you
You have to help yourself
So come on make your choice
Choice to live, choice to die
Try to forgive, try to survive
Your life is a game
Now you have to fight for win
If you do not appreciate life, you don't deserve life
Nobody is along with you. You are all by yourself
So be conscious and consider thoroughly
Make your choice
Choice to live, choice to die
Try to forgive, try to survive
You have to help yourself
So come on make your choice
Cherish your life X4
珍惜你的生活 X4


哈哈。。都知道 是一中的


Your life is a lie
Now comes your moment for truth
You've played roulette with other lives
Today you play with your own
Don't take life for granted
Nobody can help you
You have...


Your life is a lie
Now comes your moment for truth
You've played roulette with other lives
Today you play with your own
Don't take life for granted
Nobody can help you
You have to help yourself
So come on make your choice
Choice to live, choice to die
Try to forgive, try to survive
Your life is a game
Now you have to fight for win
If you do not appreciate life, you don't deserve life
Nobody is along with you. You are all by yourself
So be conscious and consider thoroughly
Make your choice
Choice to live, choice to die
Try to forgive, try to survive
You have to help yourself
So come on make your choice
Cherish your life X4
珍惜你的生活 X4


Cherish life, light youth
Life for everyone is precious, every life is unique, and everyone in their own unique way or alive, lived up to the wonderful. Youth, is a desirable term, which time has...


Cherish life, light youth
Life for everyone is precious, every life is unique, and everyone in their own unique way or alive, lived up to the wonderful. Youth, is a desirable term, which time has a better age, lifestyle and can fight for their ideals, hold their own youth, to be able to run toward their own ideals, his own life, can be better grasp of youth. Cherish life, light youth, lived up to their exciting.
