关于out of的词组take out of,keep out of,look out of除此之外还有吗? 越全越好!

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/26 04:48:46

关于out of的词组
take out of,keep out of,look out of
除此之外还有吗? 越全越好!

ace out of[俚语]胜过;智胜;击败:
be made out of以…制作,由…制成
be out of离开;没有;不协调;不再处于;从…中除去
bounce out of突然闯出,冲出;跳出:;因(某人)犯有过错而开除,驱逐:
build out of用…建造:
dice out of使掷骰子输掉:
dodge out of躲出:
eat the wind out of[口语]【航海学】占(其他船的)上风
edge out of慢慢挤出来,从…逐渐退出:;逐渐(将…)从…排挤掉:force out of把…从…中压出来(等于force from)
get a charge out of因…而感到兴奋
get sb out of: 使…出来
get sb. out of one's head: 不去想, 设法把...忘记
Get a kick out of sb: 是近年在美国相当流行的口语.表示与某人相处非常愉快,或处于热恋中.
keep sb out of不让……入内
lead out of直通
slide out of从…处溜出
take a bend out of使不再弯曲;使恢复平直;[俚语]使(动物)因疲劳而镇静
take the change out of对(某人)进行报复
weave in and out(of)
迂回前进,曲折前行:例句: Cyclists weave in and out of the traffic.

out of breath , out of control , our of doors,
hold out of,bring out of,eat out of,go out of,walk out of,swim out of......汗,只要是差不多的动词都能跟out of搭配

以out of开头的短语用处很多,每天讲话当中不知要用多少次。大家熟悉的短语包括:
out of breath 上气不接下气; out of balance 失去平衡; out of stock 脱销; out of date 过时; out of patience 不耐烦; out of control 失去控制; out of business破产; out of style过时,...


以out of开头的短语用处很多,每天讲话当中不知要用多少次。大家熟悉的短语包括:
out of breath 上气不接下气; out of balance 失去平衡; out of stock 脱销; out of date 过时; out of patience 不耐烦; out of control 失去控制; out of business破产; out of style过时,不时髦
out of work 失业; out of the ordinary 不寻常的; out of touch 失去联系; out of question 毫无疑问...

接下来详述三个大家可能不知道的out of 短语。

1 out of the woods
Woods就是森林。要是一个人在森林里迷了路,东走西走,不知道会发生什么危险的事;而一旦找到了正确的方向,走出森林的时候,那种舒畅、安全的感觉是可想而知的。这就是out of the woods这个俗语的意思,即摆脱了前途不明,或危险的处境。

例如:Our business has been terrible all year and I was afraid we might have to give up and close the shop. But the last two months we've made a profit and I think we're out of the woods at last.



Michael drank too much at a party last night and smashed his car up on the way home. He ended up in the hospital and was in a coma all night. But he's awake today and feeling much better. Thank God he seems to be out of the woods now!

2 out of the picture
Picture是一个很普通的字,它的意思是图画,或者是照片。Out of the picture按字面来讲是某人不在那张照片里。可是,要是当out of the picture作为习惯用语的时候,它的意思就是:此人已经不再参与这项工程,或者退出这一行动了。

Thank God the old man is out of the picture at last--he should have retired ten years ago!Now we can make the changes we need to get the company a lot more business.



When I lived with my parents they had too many rules. These days I live by myself and can do as I please since they're now out of the picture. But I do miss them, so I visit them almost every weekend.

3 out of this world
World这个字的意思是“世界”。Out of this world 并不是在这个世界以外的意思。这是一个习惯用语,它的意思是:令人激动,精彩极了,绝妙的,特别是在形容音乐、电影的时候可以用这个常用语。你也可以用 out of this world来形容一顿非常精美的晚餐。男女之间也可以用这一习惯用语来形容对方。

Say, I see that Gone with the Wind is on TV tonight. I've seen it ten times already but I'll watch it again. I think it's out of this world--maybe the best movie ever made!

Donna took me to lunch at a restaurant in a shady woods just outside of town. We sat outdoors and the food tasted great. The place is so pretty and relaxed that it's really out of this world!
