
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/05 04:46:26


Some netizen say that living is a kind of fear for death and gratitude for life.It's a human instinct to reject and despice death.Maybe there's someone who never thinks of what we're living for,but only knows that living is just that and at least I'm alive.
Some others say that I live for those who needs me and when I'm no longer needed,it's the end of my life.Life for others!
In my opinion,it is not our choices to come to this world.But after decades,we're surrounded by people who care and love us and whom we think of and care for.
Living for oneself is to experience the unknown,for our imagination of the future may lead us one.But for others,we live for our responsibilities,family bond and probably love.

Some netizen say that living is a kind of fear for death and gratitude for life. It's a human instinct to reject and despice death. Maybe there's someone who never thinks of what we're living for, but...


Some netizen say that living is a kind of fear for death and gratitude for life. It's a human instinct to reject and despice death. Maybe there's someone who never thinks of what we're living for, but only knows that living is just that and at least I'm alive.
Some others say that I live for those who needs me and when I'm no longer needed, it's the end of my life. Life for others!
In my opinion, it is not our choices to come to this world. But after decades, we're surrounded by people who care and love us and whom we think of and care for.
Living for oneself is to experience the unknown, for our imagination of the future may lead us one. But for others, we live for our responsibilities, family bond and probably love. 有网友说,活着是一种对死的恐惧,一种对生的感恩。人的本能都有一种抗拒死亡,厌恶死亡。也许有的人,并没有想过活着是为什么,只知道,活着就是活着,至少我还是活着。


英语翻译有网友说,活着是一种对死的恐惧,一种对生的感恩.人的本能都有一种抗拒死亡,厌恶死亡.也许有的人,并没有想过活着是为什么,只知道,活着就是活着,至少我还是活着.还有网友说,我 一句哲学类的句子,以及你对它的看法.死可能比生更好.死是人比神更强大的地方.让死亡的恐惧缠住心是一种奴役.面对死亡,不饮恨、不吞声. 有人说“好死不如赖活着”真的是这样吗? 人对死亡的恐惧是天性吗?动物对死亡有恐惧感吗? 为什么说拉丁文是死文字?为什么说拉丁文是一种定型的死文字,已经不会有语法结构上的变化? 如何 消除心中对 开口说英语 的 恐惧? 作者为什么说“为什么有的人活着却已经死了,有的人死了却还活着?”你是怎样理解这句话的? 对或许,生死只在一念之间,正是因为有死的恐惧,生的欢乐才如此真实,生的片段才如此灿烂的理解是理解不是仿写 网友对我说 恐惧是一种可以控制的情绪阅读答案 《恐惧是一种可以控制的情绪》阅读答案 英语翻译禅宗对待死亡超然、平静的态度,化禅宗主张“向死而生,体悟永恒” ,消解了对死的恐惧,同时也捐弃了对生的执着 怎么样才能证明我们都还活着?我们现在的活着、都是自己定义的吗?那些细菌它们有、我要活着、要好好活着、我不能死的思想么?与我们的区别是? 活着是一种修行, 英语翻译人不是为了赚钱而活着,是为了更好地活着而赚钱.自己对生活的感悟. 英语翻译 令人恐惧的只是恐惧本身 这是罗斯福的话 原话是 关于纪伯伦的散文诗《稻草人》的问题,读不懂,求深层含义有一回我对稻草人说:“你总是孤独守望在这片寂寞的土地上,你一定厌倦了吧?”稻草人回答道:“能使他人恐惧是一种深沉持久的 英语翻译行动是治愈恐惧的良药,而犹豫、拖延将不断滋养恐惧.