
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/04 09:59:04


Experience or Degree More Important
It depends on the job.If the Master's Degree is needed to get a license or certification,as is often the case with teaching and I believe social work,then you need to get the degree right away.As a recruiter,I have always valued work experience more than a degree.I went to night school for my Master's and I found that most of my classmates were experienced professionals who were getting the degree becuase they were in a state job that required it,or they were getting it to get more money.Also,many companies have tuition reimbursement programs and you may be able to get tax breaks if you are going to school for something in your field.
Here are more opinions and answers from other FAQ Farmers:
In countries like UK (Britain),USA,Canada and some other places experience does tend to be more important that a degree or university education.In other countries,a degree is more important and experience is secondary.First the person needs to have proper qualifications (i.e.degree) and then experience comes as a secondary matter.
As others have indicated,it depends on the job and the organization.In some cases,if one doesn't have the degree,one does not get as much as interview.In other cases,the employer puts many more qualifications in the job "requirements" than he/she is really requiring.Particularly if one has a lot of experience in a particular area,it generally doesn't hurt to apply for a job that requires more education than one has.Be sure to emphasize how extensive your experience has been and how well you can apply that experience to the benefit of the employer.There are some questions that applicant should be prepared to answer:1) Are you willing and able to get degree required?On your own dime/time?2) Why do you think such a degree is important (or not important)?3) Why don't you have the required degree?4)Do you think that your not having degree will affect your relationships with others in the job situation - both those who do and those who do not have the degree?Applicants may want to bring up and address these issues on their own if the interviewer doesn't bring them up.If you can answer them in a positive way to allay interviewer's fears that you are not qualified enough.If possible,check with a friend with the degree about possible problems.This could also be a good reality check.
-----------------------------------------------now degree is a neccessity already..if you tell people you have a degree..they will think it is common...what do you think?is a degree important?what do you do with that degree?is degree beneficial to you?or because you just need a degree to work?
true degree is just a stepping stone for the 1st job.after that it all depends on skills and how u perform in career.more often than not results is not everything as a bookworm is not as hands on as someone who is actively involved in other activities
Degree Important?Yes & NO Yes cause it's a stepping stone esp in corporate life.The knowledge that it brings with the degree is more important,not the paper itself.No if you're planning to venture into skill based career such as chef,baker,hair stylist,beautician,auto mechanics etc.
Depend what path you are looking for...If small companies,they care more on experience and skills rather than qualifications...If you wan to work in big companies then of course they will look more on the qualifications,then degree might not be enough if you wanna step higher.
Sometimes study byk byk also no use..the things we study might not be able to apply to the working environment.I have a friend,study til diploma but earning few thousand every mth coz he got the experience and skills
Actually i think Degree is important if u wan to have a future where u will sit high up at the organization becoz u will be promoted based on experience and also qualification..otherwise,if u wan to set up ur own company,experience is more important,nobody would wan to see ur cert..I found out that even a fresh grad with a degree will have hard time looking for a job becoz they dun have the experience.Most of the companies required working experience of min 1-2 yrs but how would u get experience if all companies wouldn't wan to hire fresh ppl?I think that both working experience n qualification will be equally important in order to have a bright future.
a bachelor's degree may be common but when you mention where you obtained it from,it makes all the difference.is it a useless piece of diploma you receive at the convocation?if it is not a 'branded institution,it's just another level of study completed.just as your primary school certificate and secondary school qualification.so the diploma signifies that you had passed the level after high school.

It is clear that the 21st century more emphasis on human capacity requirements. International Board of Education that 21 highly educated people is not necessarily a high-capacity, and submitted to the...


It is clear that the 21st century more emphasis on human capacity requirements. International Board of Education that 21 highly educated people is not necessarily a high-capacity, and submitted to the United Nations in the report had mentioned several times the capacity of training. They said: "intuitively, aware of, so that a collective judgement and the ability to closely unite, they do not necessarily hold the highest diploma of the unique capabilities", "ability is unique to each mixture, it adopted the technology And access to vocational training in the strict sense of qualifications, social behaviour, collaboration, creative ability and spirit of adventure together. "
Facts have fully proved that the Commission's proposal is quite correct. All successful people do things, because they possess the overall quality of a person's ability.
October 1993, the third of the Top Ten Young Pioneers announced the selection activities. The event is from the CYL Central Committee, Work Committee and the national congress organized by China Central Television authoritative assessment, naturally aroused the wide attention of the whole society. When the 10 elected juvenile appearance in the Central Television Station on January 1, people can not help议论纷纷: "Look, the Beijing girls Su Chin top of the list, she cited what is shocking» "
Indeed, the Soviet Union into the tube and living in the first, surprised some people's congresses. Even her leg of the Beijing Normal University Experimental High School, some students are not convinced: "What kind of schools we pick of Health did not, ah, the international students to take the gold medal, Su Chin has not even a silver medal, the examination Score is not the highest, and on what basis she was elected! "Yes ah, selected from the 130 million young pioneers in the" Top Ten ", a 13 million-ah!
However, when people with modern education in view of the Soviet Union into the time when people as the ability to be in a standard, people can not be wrong Su Chin convinced, because people will find that the ability of the concept in the Soviet Union into a full body Embodied.
It also needs Congtoushuiqi. Su Chin's father called Su Ge, in the United States pursue a master's degree and doctorate at Harvard University and obtained a post-doctoral qualifications. In order to serve the motherland, he rejected the three universities at the invitation of the United States, decided with his wife and children back to his hometown of Xi'an in Shaanxi Province. At that time, Su Chin has a 9-year-old, a primary school in the United States finished third grade. After the return to the motherland, to her daughter Su Ge contact the Shaanxi Province Xi'an Foreign Language Institute Fuzhuxiaoxue the hope that her daughter went from fourth grade reading. Su Chin their own course, is the idea.
However, in the diagnostic examination into the school, teachers found that while the Soviet Union into a fluent English, but the Chinese have a very low level, she could understand the mathematics that on the blackboard, or even only to write "workers" two Chinese characters. No way, the principal had to let Su Chin from the first grade repeaters.
The president's decision, Su Chin 100 not happy: I have a 9-year-old, from the first grade Reading, the 15-year-old primary school to graduate, all are not wasted? » Parents feel that the statements were made by the daughter of the right, after repeated consultations with school principals, principals only reluctantly agreed Su inserted into the third grade try.
Sitting in the third grade classroom, and the Soviet Union into the approximate level of illiteracy due to Chinese, not only do teachers do not understand the written word, I even do not understand what the teacher said. Whenever the teacher on the blackboard for students to copy the title, Su Chin Huang Liaoshen more children. She Zhaomaohuahu a painting of a written Jiman, such as teachers obliterating the time to write a new title, she copied the old that not counting. Seeing his students lagging far behind the Victory of the Soviet Union into the very heart decided to challenge himself.
The classroom, her rapt attention, Bian Tingbian write Moji, listen to the teachers do not know how to use gestures and facial expressions to understand. She returned to the family home of all things are tagged with a label in English and Chinese, who wherever he went, I remember where, just like Zhao Lemo. In order to independent study, she not only learned how to Chazi Dian, or even to feel the thickness will be able to search under the word alarming degree. She never requested the teachers care, and, like other students to complete work on time. After the final exam, Su Chin won the report card: 93 minutes language, mathematics 95 hours, 98 minutes of art, music 100 points, &127; ideological and moral quality.
Who can believe that a transfer from Xi'an to Beijing's primary and secondary school students, even their own procedures for transfer of running the » When she Jiaodao Chu, director of a person standing in front of the time, she That self-confidence and calm so that people can amazing.
Su Chin is a dare to take the risk, be good at seizing every opportunity to exercise their own people. The 12-year-old, home to the three foreign visitors. Their first time to Beijing, would like to visit the Great Wall. However, that period of time from busy parents who do not open. At that time, Su Chin initiative Qingying: "When I came to tour!" Parents listened to the Soviet Union into the case, the Lengzhu. We should know that Su Jin only to the United States before been to a great wall, then she can only 4-year-old ah. After eight years, she can do it » Despite the hearts full of worry, parents still agreed to the idea of a Su-Jin, they also intend to give the Soviet Union into the exercise. The results, Su Chin really satisfactorily completed the task of tour guides.
Su Chin is a know tolerance, the children know how to cooperate. Once, a class of boys in order to embarrass Jin Su, deliberately into other people's watches her bags, would like to create things Su Jin stole the "facts." After investigations by the teachers, some students thought that Su Chin-Export can not be with him,谁知, and the Soviet Union into a mockery of it also did not say, but also continue to help boys who tutorial homework.
From Su Chin, who do you feel the international 21st century education as advocated by several capacities » She Although only a young age, they know how to cultivate the ability to give top priority.
Life, although some people have very good academic performance, but the lower capacity, so even their lives can not take care of themselves, many missed the golden opportunity. An only son, has always been top-notch academic performance, has successfully completed a post-graduate courses, about to be sent abroad to pursue a doctorate. A happy person, but Xinshichongchong only son, then panic disturbing. In fact, one would think of going abroad to stay away from her mother, who did not care for his life, he would speed up the heartbeat. The results, he is suffering from a "fear of going abroad", not only can not go abroad, even day-to-day learning and life can not go on, can only be checked into the hospital ...... In contrast, such a person can be qualified People? » So the psychological quality, how can we face the future » And how can they can do a good job »
Today, advocating capacity has become the consensus of people around the world. Some visionary entrepreneurs, employers have the ability to serve as an important standard, but is used, not re-educated. The world-famous founder of Japan's Sony Corp. Shengtianzhaofu the 1960s when it wrote one entitled "Go to hell qualifications," the best-selling book. In his book, he reprimanded the Japanese popular over which the University of selecting and employing people as a standard practice. In order to make their own staff to play their wisdom and intelligence, not academic restrictions, he decided to burn all the staff of the company's personnel file, and claimed that the staff of Sony Corporation of the use or promotion, do not look at qualifications and diplomas, and look at the normal Efforts and capabilities.
If Xiangkao diploma Hun Fanchi, can only be eliminated. This approach so that Sony has always been full of vitality in the commercial competition in an invincible position.
If you want to compete in the future society in an invincible position, always remember: the ability is more important than academic qualifications.
