
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/08 14:19:22


i hope the campus have a positive atmosphere ,there will be a good teamwork and campaion relationship in classmates.about lodging i hope school could provide dormitory to international students.
i am very interested in kinds of building since i am a child .at my home ,there are a lots of building blocks,i am very like make it nexus of incomplete contracts to every shapes ,which could get sense of pride in success .after i growing up i started to observing the building behind me diversiform people,office building,department store,which are my observed things .during the holiday ,i will travelling with my parents,obviously,diversiform building catch my sight .i found they are not only the house but also the symbol of human civilzation progress.
not long before.i visit shanghai expo ,i was shocking by the supermodern pavilion ,especially the spanish pavilion ,plain line design,organic module splice,advanced timbering ,which gives people flamboyant visual impact .after see it all .i firm my ideal--to be a international known architect .so i hope the university i will be in .have the leading major in American ;civil engineering ,also the teachers must be the elitist in this field.this is my big expecation to the unniversity .though the period of choosing colleage .there be a new recognise to myself ,i have a high passion to creation ,not stereotype, absorb new things quickly .in aspect of creation ,i thought i have a good fancy and creativity ,i have been simplely design a plane map of uptown ,which get ratification of teacher. at the aspect of people doing things first i treat people honsetly .this is the basic.i am very pleasure to help others as much as i can , at the same time i give my full trust to my compaion .i could have a good teamwork with others in cooperation.
the future plan that i made for myself is grasp civil enginerring knowledge ,but also enhance the self-improvnment and dealing with people.i hope i could join in the building case at american local place.as a valuable experiment .after a few years later .i will come back home .depend on the konowledge learned in american .i could get a good job in state--owned compaions .a high wage .battle in career, create a imagable artichteture design ,accomplish life ideal
lz 自己翻的 凑合着用吧 O(∩_∩)O~

英语翻译我希望校园氛围积极向上,同学之间有良好的合作和伙伴关系.关于住宿,我希望学校能够提供国际学生宿舍.我从小对各式各样的建筑有浓厚的兴趣,家里有很多积木玩具,我喜欢将其有 英语翻译我希望校园氛围积极向上,同学之间有良好的合作和伙伴关系.关于住宿,我希望学校能够提供国际学生宿舍.我从小对各式各样的建筑有浓厚的兴趣,家里有很多积木玩具,我喜欢将其有 学校校园书香校园氛围如何创设? 英语翻译,我的校园 英语翻译我的理想大学是这样的,校园环境优美,有个小树林,有个小湖.老师耐心教导我们,同学们乐于分享,就像个大家庭一样.学习轻松有趣,不会枯燥无味,课外活动丰富.我希望在学校不仅可以 如何营造校园思想政治工作良好的氛围 希望今天之内答复期末考试将至,为进一步在校园中倡导优良学风,营造良好的考试氛围,小明和他的同学踊跃签署“考试承诺书”,向学校和家长做出郑重承诺.请你替小明拟写一份“考试承诺 我想起一个英文名,我叫徐惠,我希望名子里寓意努力奋斗,积极向上的意思 校园中的感人事例事例100字以上与同学之间,与老师之间 英语翻译我想体验世界名校自由的学术氛围,感受不同国家之间文化和思想的碰撞. 英语翻译在活动中我收获到友谊,我懂得了同学之间要互相帮助. 同学们带我参观校园的英语怎么说 英语翻译班里同学也想找网友.希望你能够帮助.我想到英国去旅游. 英语翻译:增进同学之间的沟通 同学之间缺乏沟通和交流 英语翻译 用英语翻译 同学之间互相帮助,和睦相处 通过什么方式来建立一个积极向上,团结协作,互帮互助的良好工作氛围? 校园新鲜事作文最好是一篇同学之间互相帮助的作文