
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/21 12:01:36


~Last night when I was sleeping in bed,suddenly someone came to knock the door.
~There was heavy snow falling in most parts of China in January this year,so what were people in those areas doing when this accident happened?

last night i was sleeping suddenly someone knocked at the door
this january sonw raided most of china at that time what are the disaster peaple do

1.Someone was knocking at the door when I was aslept in bed last night.
2.Most parts of China snowed heavily in January of this year,while this was happening,what were doing?

When I was sleeping in the bed,someone suddenly knocked the door last night.
Most parts of China had snowd in January this year,when it happened,what were the people there doing ?

1 Last night i was sleeping suddenly someone knocked at the door.
2 There was a heavy snow in most aeras of China in January this year,and what was people there doing when it happened?

超难的汉译英!高手请进!1.昨天晚上我正躺在床上睡觉,突然有人敲门.2.今年一月中国大部分地区下了大雪,当这个事故发生的时候,那些地区的人们在干什么呢? 超难数学题高手请进1.已知n为小于15的正整数,13的3次方的n次方的个位数为1,求符合条件的n的和? 一高数题 真正的高手请进 数学高手请进.超简单的可我就不会,快呀.1.一个圆锥形的铁质零件,底面积为12.5平方分米,高6分米.这种铁每立方分米的质量为7.8千克,这个零件的质量是多少千克? 2.如果将上题中的圆锥形零件 高手请进(超难!)在1,0交替出现且以1打头和结尾的所有整数中(如:101,10101,1010101……)有多少个质数?并写出所有质数,详细说明理由.(理由通俗易懂些,我的文化水平只有小学六年级).( 高手请进!小学六年级超难的奥数题如图,ABCD是正方形,三角形DEF的面积比三角形ABF大6平方厘米,又知CD长6厘米,DE长多少厘米? 我昨天晚上做我的家庭作业了 汉译英 英语高手请进!欢迎回来我的怀抱 英语怎么说欢迎你回来我的怀抱 求铰链的受力情况力学高手请进,求力学高手请进,求AB两处约束力的夹角,我不明白为什么与水平面有夹角, 余秋雨的[风雨天一阁](文学高手请进)文学高手请进里面的文化良知和文化人格是什么意思帮我分析下急 懂 电磁阀、电磁阀线圈的高手请进~ 六年级的简便运算秘籍~~~高手请进 这首歌的英文翻译,英语高手请进 西班牙语语高手请进!nos 的用法? 高手请进:磷酸硅的物理、化学性质 listen 的动名词是什吗英语高手请进 谁知道秦罗敷的出处? 高手请进 谁会写作文题目:我喜欢的人或佩服的人高手请进