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Nanjing, the former site of the presidential palace tour guide words
   Members of tourists: We will now go sightseeing tour of scenic spots is a long history and has as a day of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom and the Revolution Palace after Dr. Sun Yat-sen became provisional president of the Office of the President office. It is located in the Yangtze River Road, No. 292, now has become China's largest museum of modern history.
   【History: Han Palace - two of the Governor Jiang Ya Shu - Palace days - Presidential Palace - Nanjing People's Political Consultative Conference Center】
   Visitors: as a historical relic, this large-scale historic buildings dating back to the early Ming Dynasty. Founding emperor of the Ming Dynasty overturn Jin Zhu, in 1368, in Nanjing, the establishment of a unified regime in the Ming Dynasty, in order to win over people's minds, this large-scale construction of the Han Palace, used for resettlement Wang Chen's son Chen Youliang. By 1404, there Zhu Di of the Ming Chengzu became the second son of Zhu Gaoxu Palace, as a result of Zhu Yuanzhang Zhugao Xu Feng Wang, it is also known as the Han Palace.
   In the Qing dynasty, the Qing Dynasty to the Han Palace turned into a two-Governor Jiang Ya Shu. Kangxi, was also part of the east side of the Han Palace Jiangningzhizao changed to the Department. "A Dream of Red Mansions" author Cao Cao Yin's grandfather served on the Jiangningzhizao post, in charge of the southern textile industry. It is precisely because of Cao Yin is the mother of Emperor Kangxi's nanny, the Cao family was very wealthy, Cao Yin has won the trust and appreciation of Emperor Kangxi, Emperor Kangxi six southern tour, five are living in Jiangningzhizao Department. Yongzheng five years until December 24, Cao has been copied, only the Department of Jiangningzhizao no longer busy the past, the beginning of decline. To the Qianlong, the weaving department for the expansion of the palace, west of the garden for Fuli built a foundation for the grand palace.
   January 11, 1851, led by Hong Xiuquan peasant revolution in Guiping County, Guangxi Gold held Tamura uprising, to build "of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom." Spent 3 years, swept through Guangxi, Hunan, Hubei, Jiangxi, Anhui, Jiangsu provinces, March 19, 1853, Nanjing peace Jungong Po, Hong Xiuquan in this year's March 28 Japanese city. Since then, will be replaced by Tianjing, Nanjing, the capital and here in this large-scale construction, the Administrative Office of the Governor Jiang's two-day extension for the Palace. As a result, the leadership of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom of Hong Xiuquan here has become the center of the revolutionary movement. Today, the Office of the President Palace hall is the day when the main hall of the Golden Dragon Temple site. Golden Dragon Temple of the year, Zhong Yan dome, pillars coated with pure gold, are painted dragon and phoenix patterns, the walls are still painted dragon, tiger, lion, elephant, and other patterns can be described as magnificent, so called "Dragon and Phoenix Palace." In 1866, after the failure of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom, the fall of Tianjing, the day Palace was looted. At the time of the attack on Nanjing brothers fan, to cover up for predatory crimes, even set fire to the Palace days, so that this magnificent palace reduced to ashes. Today, we can see is only part of the city within days Palace and Gardens of the West.
   In 1912, the day of Dr. Sun Yat-sen became the provisional Palace Presidential Palace, the Dr. Sun Yat-sen came to power only three months as a result of the destruction of the Northern Warlords, was forced to lift the provisional president. In April the same year, Huang Xing done here to stay. Later Zhang Xun, Feng Guozhang, Sun Chuanfan have been set up their own Dudu Fu. April 18, 1927, Chiang Kai-shek betrayed Sun Yat-sen's "The Russian, Soviet Union, agricultural and industrial assistance," the three most widely and openly undermine the KMT-CPC cooperation in the fight against the laundering of the Northern Expedition Communists, Chiang Kai-shek openly director of the Nanjing national government was formally established . Nanjing has been set for the new government capital, has become a day of the National Palace and the seat of government. After the outbreak of the War of Resistance against Japan, Chiang Kai-shek moved the capital to Chongqing, Wang Ching-wei in the establishment of a puppet national government. In August 1945, after the victory of the War of Resistance Against Japan, Chiang Kai-shek's Kuomintang government in Nanjing are also, the original "National Government" with "Government of the Republic of China" and change is chaired by the President of the National Government, therefore, also known as the Presidential Palace. Until April 23, 1949, the People's Liberation Army seized Nanjing, the Chiang dynasty destruction, "the presidential palace," only to return to the hands of the people. After the liberation of Nanjing changed to the Presidential Office's Political Consultative Conference Center has been open to visitors, only the West Garden and Dr. Sun Yat-sen interim president site of the office opening to the outside world. Today, let us follow the historical relics of the visitors, "the presidential palace."Gate Tower - Zhaobi - "Golden Dragon Palace" lobby】
   Visitors: Now we come to the "presidential palace" in front of the big. The gatehouse has seen the top of the tall flagpole into the clouds. The gatehouse has a cross through there, "presidential palace" in large letters 3, allegedly by the calligrapher, the former vice president of the Control Yuan Zhou Zhong-yue later wrote up the cement-pouring.
   Look at the gatehouse of the opposite Zhaobi, Shuzhe by a Mr. Guo Moruo written to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the uprising of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom of the monument.
   Into the door to the east and west sides have a row of rooms, was the "direction", later renamed the soldiers of the hostel has been turned into tourist souvenir shop. Block in front of the spacious Dafa, in the construction of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom of the Golden Dragon Temple on the site, now a Right at the center of Sun Yat-sen is a hand-written "Tianxiaweigong" reads words.
   After the hall for this office is located in Jiangsu Province People's Political Consultative Conference, for the time being open to visitors. We visited the main thing is located on the west side of the park Xu, also known as the West Garden is Hong, Sun Yat-sen once, lived.
   Xu 【Park: Zodiac Stone - who Shouzi - Pavilion Mandarin - Mouton Music Hall - Yu Yue Shibei the book - not the Department of boat - forget flying Pavilion】
   All tourists: the following we will go to the "presidential palace" the essence of the most scenic part of the park to visit Xu. Please go west with me. Fenqiang front of a wall mounted above the door of the Yuan Dong "Xu Park". This is the King of the Heavenly Kingdom of Hong Xiuquan, leader of the Revolution Sun Yat-sen once lived.
   Xu Yuan Dynasty Daoguangnianjian generation ago than 150 years of history. The entire park area only 20 acres. Flowers and trees in the park trees, pavilions Cuolayouzhi, Hushan embellishment Dieshi In the meantime, Qiao-Ling line appears to be small, beautiful Yajing, is a rich landscape of southern characteristics.
   Enter the park, first of all to see is a large group of rockery, laminated rock formed by the Chinese zodiac, here, you may wish to work together to find its own stone Lunar New Year. Rockery is the ancient Chinese garden construction in the text elements to be one of the North China royal garden is the embodiment of the true-san water, and private gardens in the South tend to leave a rockery water to reflect the charm of the natural landscape. The large rockery, garden structure in the King played a first possession For Lu, Yang want to curb the role of King suppression, visitors to create a better and better the taste.
   Please come with me to continue to move forward. This rocks the Taihu Shi Zhengrong, with the likelihood stricter wrinkle, thin, the leak, Turner, ugly, etc. Please give careful to identify it as the characters in which the word? On! Careful to see that tourists have been like a "life"字. Shouzi we will be able to leave a stone's shadow, I wish you every success in this, the health and longevity.
   Visitors: We have just seen two groups Shi, now let's look at the garden's water features. Xu park to build a water garden as the mainstay. Water north-south lanes, built in the park on the way, in order to break the single strip of water, Using floating restaurant, the water pavilion will be divided into separate natural and interconnected in three parts. Plane as long vase-shaped so that the central formation of a more open water, north China Southern Court echoed across the east across the West say, who are together, although the actual hours together, the harmony of natural scenery.
   Xu park pavilions are also very clever arrangement. "Bottle" Yi Ge Lan stand in the water, about a small bridge can wave, the south end of the relative Shifang. The mountain He kiosks, known as Liu Jiaoting. Please look to the future, the cornices Qiaojiao the pavilion for the two-top, as if From a distance, two-exist side by side kiosks, look at the past is an integral whole, under the Pavilion at Mount phase, unique style, Xing Ying dependent and therefore known as the "mandarin duck Pavilion. "
   On the right side of the platform that the new building, called the Music Hall Tong, Xu is the largest building in the park, the building materials are Paulownia. Yin Tong Hall was the Hong discuss state affairs with subordinates, take concerted efforts, saying in unison. Tong Music Hall in the north of a group of rockery, a piece of stone, there is light at the Emperor Yu Bi, "India Stone Heart" 4 Chinese characters. It is said that when the two of the Governor Jiang Shu Qin fewer of poverty, but sitting all day long stream of large stones to concentrate on studying and later married at last. Emperor light of the Feeling he studied with great concentration, thanks to the "hearts and India Shishi" 4 words to encourage future generations.Visitors: East West Garden Langshang also a well-known monument, which is written by Yu Yue's "Midnight Bells," Shi Bei, is said to be from the Hanshan Temple in Suzhou shift. Yu Yue, Qu word park, end of the Qing dynasty is well-known scholars. Yu Yue in the Shibei tells us that the poet in the Tang Zhang, "Midnight Bells" poem "on the unhappy Yuhuo Jiangfeng sleep," the sentence "Jiangfeng" real "Garden Restaurant" is a misrepresentation to future generations " Jiangfeng. " Of course, Yu Yue here is nothing more than to tell people the truth, not to emphasize the "Jiangfeng" to "Garden Restaurant." As a result, we can see that Yu Yue's strict attitude toward learning.
   Visitors: Let us now approached a small bridge, continue to visit the garden scenery of the West, see the front of the bottle-shaped artificial pond is dug, the entire pool of about 1866 meters week, with an area about the size of the entire park, more than half. Clear water, around the pool with all of the Ming Dynasty Chengzhuan revetment, it is very old fashioned. At the southern end of the pool, there is a long 14.5 meters of stone-like wooden environment. The two are said to Dan Fang Jiang Yin Jishan the Governor for their own pleasure, and Qianlong in the Qing Dynasty in the 11 years of construction. Dan Fang "is not a boat line," reads the Emperor Qianlong was the southern tour title when. There is a Chinese old saying: "as the saying goes, can the vessel." Recline the vase shape of the pond, it is implied that the people of the world, Emperor Qianlong wrote the "boat line" 3 words in the hope of the people live and work in peace, Well fine, the Great Qing Dynasty is not as if the Department of boat, they are allowed to play the wind and waves never waver. Let us take a close look, both before and after the class is divided into Dan Fang, Juan Peng roof, sophisticated modeling, realistic image. There are stone can be a springboard to Dengzhou. Dan Fang's tail rudder and hull caused by Qingshi, brick paved the bow, the cabin is at the top of the yellow glazed tile, brick carvings are embedded on both sides of the steeplechase, carved above the peony, evergreen, Juan Cao, a monkey, Deer, bats, and other color patterns, carving an extremely rugged, beautiful, rich tradition of strong national characteristics. Dan Fang the top post is a realistic image of the two lions carved wood, which is the period of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom of work. Please look carefully to identify the amount of a lion on the word. Yes, it's the shape of the "King" is very similar. In fact, it is King co-wrote the word, as in the period of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom, the promotion of the "Wang-day", so in that period crafts, a lion, tiger, the amount of the Dragon are engraved with "King" co-written Words. This is reflected from one aspect of the peasants at that time was the leader of Hong respect.
   Please with the direction of my finger, right banks of the pond near Qiaojiao cornices, exquisite visible pavilion, known as the "forget-ting fly." Yan Jiao has a plum, plum parked a look of joy on the other hand, looked at his hand and beautiful reflection in the water even forgot to fly.
   【Sun Yat-sen's temporary office site of the President】All visitors: I along with the Quqiao go west. Now we come to the hospital this small, is the Dr. Sun Yat-sen became provisional president when the office is located. Here is the original two-Governor Jiang Zhang Chun Hua Ting built. This is a ride south of Western-style cottage, a total of 7 rooms, is in the middle passageway, the west side of 3 large conference room, President, it is important meetings are held here. New Year's Day in 1912, where Dr. Sun Yat-sen was sworn in as president, so Office Oaths said. The first to the eastern side of the living room and small conference rooms, the second largest for the Office of the President, the third president to lounge. Into every room before and after the two, hanging on the office wall of Dr. Sun Yat-sen is a hand-written "struggle" Hengbian, Interior desk before a large, shelves, telephone, call bell and the four treasures of the service, and other supplies. Small conference room on the walls hung with Mr. Sun oath of office and photos to commemorate the Revolution. Mr. Sun has a rest room was used sofa, tea table, bed, and so on.
   After visiting here, please come with me to continue to visit the eastern side of the courtyard, which is a Chinese-style three-room wooden two-story structure, is the living room of Dr. Sun Yat-sen, also known as the Hall. 3 defender is downstairs room, and later changed to family housing. 3 were upstairs bathroom, bedroom and dining-room, all of which are in accordance with the display as the display of that year.
   Members of tourists: on the presidential palace, for the time being I will explain here. In the West Garden on the eastern side of the special Biyou "Sun Yat-sen's life and Exhibition Room" for visitors.
   Please visit on their own, in half an hour after the exit of the collection of boarding, thank you!

南京总统府的英文导游词本人急需南京总统府的导游词 要英文版的 南京的总统府简介 南京总统府的英文请问南京总统府用英文怎么讲呀? 南京总统府介绍 南京总统府在哪里? 南京总统府怎么走 人民解放军占领南京国民党总统府和哪场战役有关?战役胜利的原因是什么? 人民解放军占领南京“总统府”意味着中国近代史发生怎样的变化?说的再详细点可以吗 1949年解放军把红旗插上南京总统府的是那支部队? 南京总统府但年插红旗的人现在还活着吗? 人民解放军占领南京国民政府总统府有什么意义? 为什么日军和解放军都要占领南京国民总统府? 南京哪些地方与辛亥革命有关?除了中山陵、总统府、中山路 南京国民政府和南京总统府是一个地方吗?同一个房子,日本攻占时写的是“国民政府”,解放军占领它是却写的是“总统府”.这究竟是怎么回事?现在写的是什么? 列举近代史上在南京总统府所发生过的反对或摧毁封建统治的三件重大历史事件. 四项重大事件:五四爱国运动,中国共产党成立,抗日战争,解放军占领南京国民政府总统府每件事的重要影响 用一个词或成语描写下列地点:玄武湖公园、夫子庙、侵华日军南京大屠杀遇难同胞纪念馆、总统府.谢谢 小明和爸爸、妈妈到南京总统府游玩,在总统府门口摄影留念,请问小明家有多少种留影方式供选择?