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1.The Beatles The Beatles were the most famous pop group of the 1960 s. Their music was not only popular in Britain, but all over the world. Members of the band were John Lennon, Ringo Starr, George Harrison and Paul McCartney. They were working-class boys from Liverpool. Their firt record, Love Me Do was a top-30 hit in 1962. Some well-known songs by the Beatles are Yerterday, Strawberry Fields Forever, Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds, and Michelle Ma Belle. They also starred in two films, A hard Day’s Night in 1964 and Help! In 1965. Their songs were used in the animated film Yellow Submarine, wich was made in 1968. The Beatles ballad Yesterday was covered by 1,186 different per formers in the first 10 years after its release in 1965. Paul McCartney who used to sing and play bass for the Beatles, established his own group called Wings, wich played for ten years. His solo hits included collaboration with Michael Jackson and Elvis Costello. In 1991 he also wrote his first piece of classical music called the Liverpool Oratorio. Paul’s daughter Stella is a top British Fashion designer. John Lennon learnt to play harmonica at the age of 12 but he wanted to be a millionaire not a musician. He lived with his uncle and aunt in Liverpool. He met Paul McCartney in 1955 and they started the Beatles in 1960. Two yers later John married Cynthia and they had a son called Julian In 1966 John met Yoko Ono in an art gallery in London. They got Maerried on March 20th 1969 and the next yer John left the Beatles to create the Plastic Ono band. Their first hit was Imagine in 1971. Four yers later John and his wife went to live in New York and had a son caled Sean. John Lennon was shot in New York outside his own house on March 8th 1980. George Harrison also played in a band called The Travelling Wilburys together with other male vocalists like Bob Dylan, Roy Orbison, Tom Petty and Jeff Lyne. Ringo Starr is the voice for Thomas Engine, a very popular children’s programme.
2.The Beatles
If you ain't a Beatle fan, don't read this and bugger off. If you are a Beatles fan, good on ya dude, read on!

Right, the Beatles, first band to ever use music videos, the most sucessful band of all time (And as there is no other way of telling how good a band is, as at the end of the day it's just sound, that would make them the closest thing to the greatest band ever tecnically!), and the band to have more hits by far! Dispite not being as popular nowadays (dispite two number one covers last year), they are still loved by fans around the world *evil laugh*. To be honest, people get put off by the Beatles by fans like me calling them the greatest thing ever, if you ever hear a Beatles in an interview, they'll saw "I don't wanna get blamed for that album" or "Yeah, to be honest, that song's rubbish", but it's fans like me that make them seem big headed, so if any Beatles are reading this, sorry bout that. Dam, that Ringo is sexy... err, I mean... ANYWAY!
People say they either like or don't like the Beatles, personally, I don't get how they can be sumed up as a genre, for a start, they've written thousands of songs, non of which sound they same, rock songs like "Helter Skelter", love songs like "Something" and even funny songs like "Why Don't We Do It In The Road". Point is, the Beatles ain't a genre, their first albums sound completely different to their last few, so peeps, don't judge them unless you've heared all their stuff! Dido can be sumed up, because all her stuff sounds the same, but not Beatles, no way. Madonna changed her image hey, not compared to the Beatles music she bloody well didn't! And another thing, the Beatles made new genres, they are the only band to ever make music for children as well as others, and they didn't need to, yet they did anyway, no other band have done that (none that can play a guitar or write normal music anyway). As well as that genre, they did comical music, and are the only band I know that have done funny songs without doing a cover of another song and changing the lyrics (Well, I hope the Beatles were trying to be funny in them songs I'm thinking of!).
Moving on, can I just say that I think Paul McCartney is the best Beatle by far! Ok, John wrote imagine, but that wasn't even with the Beatles! Paul was the one who was doing most the work, and John, cos he didn't want to do much, said he was trying to take over the Beatles, bull! He's just lazy, I've seen him doing his "bed protests". Don't get me wrong, I'm a huge Lennon fan! But they say it was Lennon's band, who he then let Paul in, it wasn't really much of a band until Paul came in was it, how many number ones did the Quarry Men have? None! Beatles = 27 number ones, Quarry Men = 0. Anyway! Each Beatles member was very, VERY talented, which each of them shown when the Beatles spilt up and had very sucessful solo careers, so, I think, that if four of the best talent out today (Robbie Williams, Avril Lavigne maybe, etc.) got together and called themselfs... The Tuneles, I think they could be as big as the Beatles, but I dout it will happen because they'll think they don't need to, but it would probably be good and a half if they did still. Funny, I can't write a paragraph about me, yet I can't shut up about the Beatles, who I think are the most intresting band ever! They don't rely on one thing, most bands if they have a good image or a good guitarist, they don't worry about other things, yet the Beatles made films and alsorts (They made class films too!). Is it just me, or does every band take after the Beatles, or if not a band that copied the Beatles? Yes, they did! People say Oasis just copy the Beatles, but hey, if you're gonna copy someone, copy the best! I wonder if the Beatles didn't have long hair, but were bald, how different the world would be today, intresting thought I think. Have I not said how great the Beatles are, oh yeah, they're the best don't you know! Even if you don't like the music, you gotta respect them like my friend Jamie, and he HATES their music. I could go on some more, but.. well maybe later! Oh, if anyone has heard any of Paul McCartneys new album, give us a shout and tell us what it's like!