
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/24 14:41:27


The Three Little Pigs
2:What are you doing,Little Brother?
1:I`m making a house with sticks.
3:Sticks?Sticks aren`t good!
3:What are you doing,Brother?
2:I`m making my house with leaves.
3:Leaves?Leaves are not good,Brother.
1 2:Are you tired,Big Brother?
3:Yes,Iam.I`m making my house with bricks.Bricks are very good.
Here ys a wolf.The wolf likes pigs.He likes pigs for dinner.
The wolf goes to the house of sticks.He blows the house down.
Then he goes to the house of leaves.He blows the house down.
1 2:Hlep!Hlep!
Then he goes to the house of bricks.
wolf:Open the door,little pigs!
3:No.Go away!
The wolf blows and blows.He doesn`t blows the house down.