
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/17 17:02:55


One day, I went back home and dropped down my heavy school bag, when the room is silent as usual.
"I am back!" I shout out and pushed open my room, from where voice of talking are coming out.
I found that my mother and a girl with a unfamilar but familar face (这个用英文说太搞了).
With my opening of the door, the talking, which was originally on, ceased.
I turned my head facing the girl and look carefully, as I am stiff.
That beautiful girl look back at me too, which followed with a period of silent.

One day, I went back home to lay down a heavy bag, like a silent room as usual. "I'm back!" I uphold the land said, pushing his hair with some vocal room. Two people, mother, and a girl, she had a str...


One day, I went back home to lay down a heavy bag, like a silent room as usual. "I'm back!" I uphold the land said, pushing his hair with some vocal room. Two people, mother, and a girl, she had a strange and familiar face. I pushed open the door, so that what was originally talking about two people stopped. I turned my head, looked at the girl's face, very careful, like to stay there. Beautiful girls also looked at me. ... Simuxiangdui when the girl in exchange for the silence.


英语翻译某日,我回到家里放下沉重的书包,房间一如往常般的静默.“我回来了!”我兀自地说着,推开了自己发着些人声的房间.两个人,母亲,和一个女孩,她有一张陌生又熟悉的脸.推开房门的我 如何放下沉重的包袱 “叮当当,叮当当……”清脆的铃声打破了校园的宁静,放学了.我背着书包走在回家的大街上.街上人来人往,喧闹非凡,叫卖声、车铃声、汽笛声仿佛汇成一曲美妙的交响乐.回到家里,放下书包, 综合改错(六处哦) 今天爸爸给我卖了一套十万个为什么,我非常高兴极了.下午放学我一回到家里就放下书包,迫不急待地拿的书,座在桌子上读了起来.大约过了不到两个小时以后,爸爸叫我去 “好像放下了沉重的负担”相应的词语是什么 如何放下心中沉重的枷锁 有关生活 英语翻译我宁愿放下尊严,放下个性,放下固执,只因为向你证明:亲爱的我放不下你! 小明家住五楼,他想知道他背着书包从一楼回到家里时对书包做了多少功,请你帮他选择合适的器材,并写出测量 我的书包是紫色,用英语翻译. 我放学回家,还没放下书包,妈妈就把我训斥了一顿,这句话的歇后语怎么说? 书包尺寸:24*12*43/12.4L的可以放下高中教科书吗?如题,我急要, 英语翻译 书包的重量 我的书包是红色的.他的书包是什么颜色的?英语翻译 我们在半夜回到家里,英语翻译 你的书包和我的书包一样重吗?不.英语翻译. 形容感到心情放松了,就像放下沉重的担子的四字成语 英语翻译:不好意思我已经离开公司回到家中,我家里的电话没办法打国际长途.如果有什么疑问请打我的移动电话. 怎样放下思想的包袱呢?觉得很沉重,压力很大.