
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/12 21:20:06


Madame Curie was born in Poland in 1867 and died in Paris at the age of 66.
Madame Curie will always be remembered as the discoverer of polonium and radium.In1891 she went to study in Paris and in1895 she married Pierre Curie .They worked together on the research into radioactive matter.In 1904 she and her husband received a Nobel Prize for physics.After Pierre died,she went on with her research and received a second Nobel Prize for chemistry in 1911.
Madame Curie is also remembered for for her determination and courage ,her willingness to share her knowledge ,her interest in women's rights and her medical service during the war.
A book is a bridge to knowledge.It helps people know the past,face the present and imagine the future .A book is a friend of human beings.It not only fives us the knowledge but also tells us the judgment.But as you know,not all the books are good ,so we should choose the useful ones.
It is believed that the valuable books will be handed down from generation to generation and will be the spiritual wealth of human forever.

Today. Faster than finished. To be opening the ...Feeling very bad mood ...New Year's money nor how much. Write the number of operations have not...... Mood is really bad.....Girlfriend broke up also....


Today. Faster than finished. To be opening the ...Feeling very bad mood ...New Year's money nor how much. Write the number of operations have not...... Mood is really bad.....Girlfriend broke up also...Bored
Write operation is not how good you ..Asked the teacher to forgive me
LZ+分啊 .....+分告诉你意思... 在帮 你写1篇 +分o


英语小作文100词,要中文意思没有的写简略的意思,有中文意思的我会加分的!5篇之内,一篇没关系, 写一篇关于校园生活英语作文要写中文一定要写中文意思 60---80词 小学怎么写自我介绍的英语作文(附加中文意思) 小兔子英语作文别太长,要中文意思o,宠物小兔英语作文,怪我没说清 六年级英语小短文怎么写?(5句话左右) 要中文作文 描写 咸蛋超人 英语描写 咸蛋超人 80字左右 要英语 要写中文出来的 没有的不要 好的+分 考研英语小作文书信最后没写yours sincerely要扣几分? 英语作文 100词左右 内容随便还有中文的翻译,要自己写的! 英语中 中文意思有的和没的的有什么区别 比如ill 有病的 illness 疾病 初二英语作文 Do you have a cold书上没有的.是作文,写对于感冒的人的建议50词以上 奥运英语小作文要30字就行了.要中文! 英语作文:关爱他人(80字左右,要有中文意思)也可以用中文写或大致说说怎么写 谁能把我写篇英语小作文?(用进行词)!60字写60字!进行词!内容:蜡笔小新滑水~最好带中文!本人英语差~ 小学六年级英语小作文(北师大版):要求在图上,注上中文意思, 急需2篇有关记叙运动会的英语作文第一篇要运动会主要内容有乒乓球 1500 800 400 等 随便写些事 60-80字左右 第二篇写接力赛 60-80左右要有中文意思 写得好的有分追加先说明下 没中文的我绝对 写英语小作文时,开头需不需要像中文那样空2格? 描写人物的英语作文(要写中文) 求一篇用一般过去时写的英语作文要中文