to its name什么意思?原句是So far he’d made a single trip to the barren rock, a desolate craggy wasteland with the merestscrap of an atmosphere to its name, with an escort of soldiers to view the ruins.我猜跟live up to its name(名副其

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/04 01:58:47

to its name什么意思?
So far he’d made a single trip to the barren rock, a desolate craggy wasteland with the merest
scrap of an atmosphere to its name, with an escort of soldiers to view the ruins.
我猜跟live up to its name(名副其实)应该是一个意思

以……而著称 ,或者理解为正如它的名字那样