英语翻译不要翻译机的,Lost in the high street,where the dogs runRoaming suburban boysMother's got a hairdo to be doneShe says they're too old for toysStood by the bus stop with a felt penIn this suburban hellAnd in the distance a police carT

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/14 06:17:03

Lost in the high street,where the dogs run
Roaming suburban boys
Mother's got a hairdo to be done
She says they're too old for toys
Stood by the bus stop with a felt pen
In this suburban hell
And in the distance a police car
To break the suburban spell
Let's take a ride,and run with the dogs tonight
In Suburbia
You can't hide,run with the dogs tonight
In Suburbia
Break the window by the town hall
Listen,the siren screams
There in the distance,like a roll call
Of all the suburban dreams
I only wanted something else to do but hang around
It's on the front page of the papers
This is their hour of need
Where's a policeman when you need one
To blame the colour TV?

Lost in the high street,where the dogs run在满是野狗流浪的到街上
Roaming suburban boys一群郊区的男孩子们在闲逛
Mother's got a hairdo to be done去美发的老妈告诉我
She says they're too old for toys(男孩子们)玩具已经不能叫他们再高兴
Stood by the bus stop with a felt pen站在公车站里却被一只钢笔(顶住,貌似遇上被打劫)
In this suburban hell郊区简直就是个鬼地方
And in the distance a police car警车在远远的(奔来)
To break the suburban spell解开这市郊的魔咒
Let's take a ride,and run with the dogs tonight今夜就坐(开)上车,和这些野狗一起跑吧
In Suburbia就在这郊野(suburbania---以ia结尾多代表女性名字,这里暗喻柔弱,故意把郊区称为xxxnia,含蔑视意味,原先郊区本是中产阶级的天堂,后来慢慢贫民化,有了今天的乱象)
You can't hide,run with the dogs tonight你不要在躲藏了,和这些野狗为伍吧
In Suburbia就在这郊野
Break the window by the town hall砸碎市政厅(貌似刚才提到的小镇的镇政府)窗子
Listen,the siren screams听吧,呜--拉响的警笛在尖叫
There in the distance,like a roll call远远滴传来,像(大声的)传令(点名).
Of all the suburban dreams郊野夜之梦就是如此(无奈.)
I only wanted something else to do but hang around随便做点什么,请别告诉我去到外面走走
It's on the front page of the papers这些不都在报纸的头版吗?(上面说的乱像,一般北美报纸头版都是些治安问题的大事,和河蟹一点不靠谱,有一种幸灾乐祸的,唯恐天下不乱的心态,这样报纸才能畅销!大众围观的心理,哪里都一样)
This is their hour of need这正是需要他们(警察)的时候
Where's a policeman when you need one巡警大人,当需要援手的时候,你在哪?
To blame the colour TV?别再诅咒脑宅(couch potato沙发土豆,那种一天到晚看电视吃零食的被人们叫做这个蔑称,貌似今天电脑宅们--脑宅们,这里暗示治安不好才叫人们躲在家成为脑宅)