
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/24 07:18:02


flirtatious heart

Flower heart

be fickle in love

fickle 是指心意不定,心猿意马的“爱变心”;
inconstant 是指“朝三暮四”,情感不专一的“负心(已变心)”;
unfaithful 是指感情上不忠实(这很严重,完全可以包括“pi腿”,cheat on one’s spouse/ lover),
faithless 比起unfaithful 则不光对特定爱人不忠...


fickle 是指心意不定,心猿意马的“爱变心”;
inconstant 是指“朝三暮四”,情感不专一的“负心(已变心)”;
unfaithful 是指感情上不忠实(这很严重,完全可以包括“pi腿”,cheat on one’s spouse/ lover),
faithless 比起unfaithful 则不光对特定爱人不忠实,强调的是“对爱人不忠实的禀性(跟武大不忠实,跟西门庆、跟武松也不会忠实;跟丑男、穷鬼不忠实,跟高富帅也不忠实)”;
flirty, flirtatious 指“爱沾花惹草”,喜欢调情(未必“pi腿”);
coquettish 和flirtatious比,flirtatious只能指人有意识地去tiao情(好色,轻骨头,不正经),
coquettish指女人“爱 卖弄 风 情”,也可以是那种有意无意的气质、习惯,不端庄自重也。

playboy, playgirl词义内容很泛泛,意指爱吃喝玩乐不务正业的人;不仅仅专指“花心”。
He/She is a flirt. She is a coquette. .. a womanizer, a Casanova, a Don Juan (Casanova is such a womanizer that he always please women, gives them an pleasant affair; Don John is a reckless one who can be criminal, for example, he perhaps will rape his victim to satisfy his lust.) a gigolo ( gigolo is originally an Italian word means ‘a handsome young man who dance with ladies for a living, and now it can describe a handsome man who have affairs with women who’s willing to pay him a lot, a male ‘gold digger’.) god digger 一般指 拜金女,虽然此词一般令人联想起女性。She is a slut (means she is very promiscuous). She is a bitch (implies messing around like a female dog, very cheap and gross).
