
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/14 14:33:55


  pro·mote v.
  Function:transitive verb
  Inflected Form:pro·mot·ed ; pro·mot·ing
  Etymology:Middle English,from Latin promotus,past participle of promovēre,literally,to move forward,from pro- forward + movēre to move
  Date:14th century
  1 a :to advance in station,rank,or honor :RAISE b :to change (a pawn) into a piece in chess by moving to the eighth rank c :to advance (a student) from one grade to the next higher grade
  2 a :to contribute to the growth or prosperity of :FURTHER b :to help bring (as an enterprise) into being :LAUNCH c :to present (merchandise) for buyer acceptance through advertising,publicity,or discounting
  3 slang :to get possession of by doubtful means or by ingenuity
  synonyms see ADVANCE
  –pro·mot·abil·i·ty \-ˌmō-tə-'bi-lə-tē\ noun
  –pro·mot·able \-'mō-tə-bəl\ adjective