来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/20 18:01:50


《糖岛》,The Sugar Island, 母亲和女儿之间的故事.虽然封面上的书评甚高,此书记叙了在被政治撕裂的世界里的母女们(writing of mothers and daughters in a world torn apart by politics);可在我看来,只有一对母女. 卡门一样热爱自由的母亲,一心要离开为了“社会主义事业”狂热的古巴,去到大洋彼岸的美利坚“开始新生活”,并且坚持要带上自己心爱的,和自己一样固执,却和自己意见相反的女儿.女儿深爱着母亲,但也痛恨母亲的“易变”--在这之前,她不辞而别,去到深山中参加游击队.在这场斗争中母亲失去了小儿子,女儿失去了友谊和童贞.当最后母亲终于带着女儿到达新生活的彼岸时,这场斗争却远没有结束. 文字简浅,却充满了异域气息,间或出现的西班牙语词一直有效地提醒着,这是一个发生在热血奔放的人们身上的故事.不时有感悟生活的隽语,或哀伤或深沉;或描写处的点睛之笔:往往给人意外的惊喜. Mama always wanted to start life as I wanted to start a new textbook at school, with neat and crisp lines, waiting to be filled with important dates and bright colors. Mama whispered Me-a-me the same way Emanuel and I ate ripe bananas-with greedy, sticky pleasure. Mama sighed, ”Tanya, the world as I know it…the world as I know it floats away like a giant bubble.” Mama touched my cheek to say goodbye and it hurt all the way inside my mouth as if she had gone in and pulled a tooth as a souvenir.