
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/17 11:03:24

唐僧四人正行之间,太白金星忽然降临,对八戒道:“玉帝要对你封赏,这就随我上天庭罢.”八戒大喜,向师父师兄师弟请辞,兴冲冲随着太白走了.二人转眼到了天庭,八戒上前觐见,却见玉帝容貌消瘦,愁眉苦脸,定是心下有大忧之事.八戒不知前途如何,心下栗六,战战兢兢跪下磕头,叫道:“臣猪悟能叩见万岁!”玉帝听见八戒叫声,抬起头来,却是喜容满面,连声叫道:“爱卿快请起,快请起.朕宣你来,是要封你官的.”太白金星随即上前,叫道:“猪悟能上前听封!封天呈运,皇帝昭曰:今上册封猪悟能为天庭御猪元帅,钦此.”猪八戒不知这“御猪元帅”是个甚么东西,但想已官封元帅,那肯定是小不了的了,忙上前磕头谢恩.当下由太白金星领下去休息.八戒想起当日受了嫦娥侮辱,错投猪胎,全因这个嫦娥而起.如今已封了大官,不如去见见故人,前缘续不成,羞辱她一番也是好的.当下来到嫦娥宫里,拿腔拿调,大摆官架子.哪知嫦娥仍冷冷的不大理 睬,八戒满脸通红,心下甚是恼怒,喝道:“如今玉帝已封我为御猪元帅,你如何还瞧我不起?待我去玉帝前奏你一本,”嫦娥非但不怕,反而一口口水向八戒啐去,不屑道:“当今天庭猪肉短缺,猪是吃一头少一头.皇上只不过是看你身子强壮,准备卖个好价钱.”
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Between four monk is OK,too white Venus comes suddenly,the eight quit a way:" the Jade Emperor to you to appreciate,this is with me on the forehead." Eight quit exultation,resigned to her brother,excitedly with Taibai go.The eyes to heaven,eight quit to the throne,but see the Jade Emperor looks thin,sad,is a big worry about heart.I do not know how the future journey,under the heart six chestnut,trembling with fear to kowtow,call way:" Chen Zhu Wuneng long live!" Hear the pig calls the Jade Emperor,raised his head,is a joy,he cried:" Ai Qing quickly please,please get up quickly.I declare to you,is to seal your officer." Too white Venus immediately,call way:" Zhu Wuneng forward to seal!Letter day was lucky,Emperor Zhao Yue:this first letter to heaven Royal pig Bajie marshal,chin this." Pig eight quit don't know this " Marshal Royal pig " is a what thing,but want to have official seal captain,that affirmation is a small deal,quickly stepped forward and shane.The present by too white Venus brought down to rest.Eight quit to remember that day by Chang insult,throw the pig fetus,because the moon up.Now the official seal,as to meet old friends,front continued not shame,she is also a good.When down to the goddess of the palace,impressions,high official.Which know Chang still cold not Dali Cai,eight quit all red in the face,the heart is very angry,shouted:" now the jade emperor has letter I for Royal pig marshal,how can you still see me not?When I go to the Jade Emperor prelude to you this,if you look good,huh!" The goddess of the moon does not,but one to eight quit to slobber spit,despise way:" in heaven the shortage of pork,pig is to eat a few head.The emperor is only to see your body strong,ready to sell a good price."