英语作文怎样套用模板?这是我背的模板,请找些例句(常用的)往这个模板里套.Nowadays it is generally accepted that ②表现一.③表现二.④ There are many reasons accounting for /Special attention should be paid to t

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/05 09:49:36

Nowadays it is generally accepted that ②表现一.③表现二.
④ There are many reasons accounting for /Special attention should be paid to the face that is bringing great damage.⑤On one hand/For one thing,原因一/危害一.⑥On the other hand/For another,原因二/危害二.⑦Therefore,it is high time that
⑧Many a way can be adopted to /Many a factor plays an important role in ⑨Firstly/first of all,方法一/因素一.⑩Secondly/In addition,方法二/因素二.11 Thirdly/Besides/Moreover,方法三/因素三.12 Only through these ways/Only in this way 该问题才能够解决.
It is no doubt that 解决该问题的意义.As for me,我的建议或看法.In a word,总结观点.

1.Nowadays it is generally accepted that food is no longer safe in China.(大众认同的事情即可)
2.There are many reasons accounting for the financial crisis.(导致xxoo 一般指不好的事情发生 的原因有很多,然后使用完这句后你就可以继续论述导致的原因都有什么,可以接for instance 比如 等等.
3.Special attention should be paid to the face that we do not have enough school buses.(当你要表达某种现象问题需要我们引起注意去面对时用这个)
4.On the other hand / For another (前者语气十分强烈 比for another要强烈很多,表示你接下来要说的内容是从崭新的角度来看待上文所提出的议题.---- 一般你用on the other hand所提出的观点都与上文相反)
4.Therefor,it is high time that our country should make a decision to start a war with Philippin.(表示是时候该做xxoo了,一般都是重大决定)
5.Many a way can be adopted to reduce the growing speed of our population.(许多方法可以归结应用于降低人口增长速度,many a factor plays an important role in 中的many a factor = many factors 同理上述)
6.(论述科技带跟我们什么好处)Firstly,technology has impoved our quality of our life.Secondly,technology can increase our working efficiency.Thirdly.(firstly 要比first of all 逻辑性若,但却更加实用,比如你说了first of all,你就是要凸显你的第一观点,那么如果接下来你想用secondly 就显得十分牵强.而firstly就不会出现该问题.firstly可以做句首,段首,虽然看起来很小白,但屡试不爽~)
7.Only through these ways we may have a chance to even the gap between the rich and the poor.(只有通过以上方法,我们才能过填平贫富差距.一般用于片尾,用来收尾)
8.It is no doubt that (we should study hard / he is a good leader / 加上大家都认为正确的论述)
9.As for me,food is most important thing.(对于我而言食物才是最重要的,as for me 就是对我而言,你可以接任何观点)
10.In a word / In conclusion / To sum up (都是总结的意思,可以总结一个段落,也可以总结全篇)