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人总是要学很多东西才能更明白看清自己,看清世界,看清自己和世界的关系.关于历史这种东西,也要博古通今,左右互搏,中西合璧,才能明明白白地看出一点门道.对于太祖他老人家,我们老家那里把他当成神.是真神,各种传说不断.说他的塑像建好,要送去目的地,结果怎么也吊不起来,结果工程队的主任发现工人用绳套套住他老人家的脖子,当然吊不起.太祖被人吊脖子,他怎么不发威?换个手法,换了横着吊腰,才顺利吊起来.等等传说把他塑造成了一个民间的神.他生前的造神和他死后的造神,他从一个湖南小地方的小地主家庭成为执掌一国的领导人,他一生实在太传奇.我说这个干嘛?这本书明明是讲邓小平时代,讲1978-1994年中国的发展,但是事实是,所有历史的现在都是历史过去的积累.太祖对于今天的中国有着深远的影响.好的和坏的,他都是值得探讨的人物.人总是要怀疑,中国从1949年那个满目疮痍的国家变为今天这个尚能称得上蒸蒸日上的国家的过程是内部自发的迸发还是有人的政策设计.这个变化的过程,它的起点,过程和终点,它的发展,决断和流向.这其中经历过的人,尚未经历的人,正在经历的人,也许也要像唐德刚和黄仁宇说得一样,要过个几十年,上百年,回过头去看看,才明白.但对于50年前,30年前的事情,也许我们也已经有了一些更为深刻的认识.其中不可避免的话题,就是1966-1976的十年浩劫.当然还有之前的大跃进,公社运动,反右运动.这些运动发展和终止,这些运动所造成的剧烈动荡,所造成的巨大影响,Meisner这么说,Never a historical event has so literally consumed its children.而且上千百万人在这一系列的过程之中付出了生命的代价.但是Meisner也这么说,the final cause of such disaster is never just the ambition of Mao to maintain his personal power and prestige alone but the Stalinist political system that was in place in China at the time.在特定的政治制度下,对于某些事件的解释和衰败的归咎总是归结于一个人的个人道德和个人信仰,以及个人决定上,这是一种总不能改进的方式.回过头去看,如果只是单纯地责怪一个人的昏庸匮乏,我们总也逃不出2000多年的君王制度.如何去反省这其中的制度病因,也许才能逃出不断轮回的怪圈.中国的经济发展自1978年并非一飞冲天,直到80年代末期90年代初,中国经济仍然有着各种各样的问题,也以并不太惊人的速度在发展.有了苏联教训,中国当时面临的问题是如何不把已有的基础全盘放弃同时又能更有效地利用市场来催发经济.中国早期的双轨汇率,双轨价格制都是特定环境下的特定产物,产生各种弊端.双轨汇率没有带来大额的海外投资,并且增加外债,双轨价格给了许多人第一桶金,但是同时也增加了行政系统的腐败.中国的经济制度的改弦易张快速敏捷而准确.直到后来的股市问题,外汇问题,国有企业改组问题,地税国税分离,等等.中国的经济发展,如果说后来是内部力量自我的发展,但在最初和关键时刻,离不开很多正确的政策决定.Meisner详细地解释了这其中的关系,社会生产关系,生产力,社会结构,历史世界,政治因素.这个称为具有中国特色的社会主义国家所展现出来的马克思多年前就预测过的一个矛盾,那就是社会主义只会在发达的资本主义国家出现并且成功革命,而在落后国家实行社会主义并没有其物质基础,要发展物质基础,就要经历资本主义,in the process,there is serious confusion between the means and the end of the revolution.于是Meisner提醒你,Lenin曾经说过,We are socialist country because we are in the process.

THE DENG XIAOPING ERA怎么样 DENG XIAOPING AND THE TRANSFORMATION OF CHINA怎么样 Yesterday I ------{骑}my bicycle to the park .People -------{全}China all love Deng xiaoping. China's unparalleled experiment initiated by Deng Xiaoping We think ____ Deng Xiaoping ___ one of the greatest people in ChinaA:that ,as B:of, is C:of, as D:about ,as 请帮忙翻一下这段英语,看不懂啊When Deng Xiaoping took over the leadership position in the early 1980s,he announced the abandonment of political campaigns permanently,without substituting another method for checking abuses of local power 英语翻译China's growing enthusiasm for the Special Olympics moves beyond just mere figures.Deng Pufang,the eldest son of China's former leader Deng Xiaoping,is a leading advocate for the movement as part of the International Board of Directors. 英语翻译Deng Xiaoping,a brilliant leader in the shaping of modern China,the Architect of China's Reform and Opening-up,was born in the province of Sichuan on August 22 in 1904.His former name was Deng Xixian.He had studied in France since 1920 to Deng Xiaoping make a great c______ to our country. He always lives in our hearts.初三英语 求求求求求5道 英语题1.deng xiaoping is r_______as one of the greatest men in the history of china2.the bike is mine . i am its o_______3. all the m_______on the team are strict in their work 4. bill gates s_______in finishing the last part o 一道英语改错题,共有10个错误In Feb.2nd 1979,China’s Vice-premier Deng Xiaoping was on visit to the U.S.He was in the space flight center near to Houston Texas.Sat in the pilot’s seat of a model of a space shuttle(航天飞机),he was a In Feb.2nd 1979,China’s Vice-premier 76._________ Deng Xiaoping was at a visit to the U.S.77._________He was in the space flight center near to Houston 78._________Texas.Sat in the pilot’s seat of a model of 79._________a space shuttle( Deng Xiaoping is _____as one of the greatest men in the history of China.A.think B.thought C.think of D.thought ofthink of 可以表示认为 所以be thought of是被认为 ,AC可以排除,那为什么是B不是D? 英语翻译Tradition has been on the menu at Red Capital Club since 1999.This month,the old gem gets a revamp as chef Yang Li adds five dishes to a menu already replete with gastronomic favorites of top leaders (Mao Zedong,Deng Xiaoping,and Zhu Rong 定语从句(关系代词、副词)This is the house where Deng Xiaoping once lived.书上有这么一句.练习中一题:This is the third city______the foreign friends have visited.A.where B.which C.that that选哪个?我觉得是C,但 英语翻译Deng Xiaoping listen (help·info) (Simplified Chinese:邓小平; Traditional Chinese:邓小平; pinyin:Dèng Xiǎopíng; Wade-Giles:Teng Hsiao-p'ing; August 22,1904–February 19,1997) was a leader in the Communist Party of China (CCP).De Deng xiaoping is remembered in China ____what he did ____Chinese people.A for forB for ofC by for D by by 求谜底:da jie dian deng bu gan huo,er jie gan huo bu dian deng.打两种动物