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北京欢迎你>歌词翻译-Welcome to Beijing
迎接另一个晨曦 带来全新空气
Another morning is coming,and brings in the fresh air
气息改变情味不变 茶香飘满情谊
Our friendship will never change,just like the fragrance of green tea
我家大门常打开 开放怀抱等你
My door is always open for you,and I’m here for you with open arms
拥抱过就有了默契 你会爱上这里
You’d know me better when you hugged me,and you will love it here
Be my guest no matter you are from home and abroad
相约好了在一起 我们欢迎你
You are here as promised,friends we welcome you
我家种着万年青 开放每段传奇
I grow green plant at home to show you all the legends in the past
为传统的土壤播种 为你留下回忆
I want to plant in the soil to make you good memories
Friends and strangers,you are all my guests,and please be at home
第几次来没关系 有太多话题
No matter how many times we meet,there are still a lot to talk about
北京欢迎你 为你开天辟地
Welcome to Beijing,we will show you a brand new place
The charm of Beijing is full of life
北京欢迎你 在太阳下分享呼吸
Welcome come to Beijing,let’s breath together in the sunshine
We want to make new record on this yellow soil
我家大门常打开 开怀容纳天地
I always keep my doors open,to welcome the world
岁月绽放青春笑容 迎接这个日期
The old ages is smiling like youth,to welcome that day
We are all friends,please make yourself at home
画意诗情带笑意 只为等待你——韩庚
With all the smiles,I am here waiting for you--By Hangeng
北京欢迎你 像音乐感动你
Welcome to Beijing,May my music touch you
Let’s working hard and try to go beyond ourselves
北京欢迎你 有梦想谁都了不起
Welcome to Beijing,it’s great to be able to have dream
Just be brave and there will be a miracle

迎接另一个晨曦 带来全新空气 (正阳门箭楼)
Greet the first sun raying in the morning, feel the fresh air coming with it.

气息改变情味不变 茶香飘满情谊 (国家体育场“鸟巢”)
Friendship persists with the change of flavo...


迎接另一个晨曦 带来全新空气 (正阳门箭楼)
Greet the first sun raying in the morning, feel the fresh air coming with it.

气息改变情味不变 茶香飘满情谊 (国家体育场“鸟巢”)
Friendship persists with the change of flavor. Fragrance of the tea transmits our affection

我家大门常打开 开放怀抱等你 (德胜门箭楼).
The Chinese door is always open, we open arms and wait for you

拥抱过就有了默契 你会爱上这里 (北海公园白塔)
Cuddle together, know each other. You are sure to love here.

不管远近都是客人 请不用客气 (普渡寺)
You are our most beloved guest no matter you live near or far away. Please make Beijing as your home.

相约好了再一起 我们欢迎你 (中华世纪坛、书法)
We promised to be together, you are welcome

我家种着万年青 开放每段传奇 (北京大学未名湖畔博雅塔)
We plant an evergreen. Every blossom tells a Chinese legend story

为传统的土壤播种 为你留下回忆 (太庙)
Sow for this amazing land. Gain you unforgettable memory

陌生熟悉都是客人 请不用拘礼 (国子监琉璃牌坊)
You are our most beloved guest no matter you are familiar or strange to us. Please enjoy your stay here

第几次来没关系 有太多话题 (老北京四合院、皮影戏)
It makes no difference how many times you came to Beijing. We have too much to share

北京欢迎你 为你开天辟地 (八达岭长城)
We hope to see you all in Beijing. A brand-new world is set up for you.

流动中的魅力充满着朝气 (琉璃厂北京画店、窗花、折扇)
Sport’s charm bursts with dynamic spirit.

北京欢迎你 在太阳下分享呼吸 (奥林匹克水上公园)
We hope to see you all in Beijing. Share the mood in the sunshine.

在黄土地刷新成绩 (国家大剧院)
Hope for making new records on this amazing land.

我家大门常打开 开怀容纳天地 (国家跳水中心“水立方”)
The Chinese door is always open. At here heave touches earth

岁月绽放青春笑容 迎接这个日期 (糊风筝)
Time reflects the age of youth and joy, files towards this special date

天大地大都是朋友 请不用客气 (奥林匹克水上公园)
We are all friends in this bid world. You are welcome

画意诗情带笑意 只为等待你 (画京剧脸谱)
Everything is ready. Just wait for you

北京欢迎你 像音乐感动你 (古观象台)
We hope to see you all in Beijing. May the melody touches your soul.

让我们都加油去超越自己 (社稷坛(中山公园)五色土)
Come on. Let’s exceed our limits.

北京欢迎你 有梦想谁都了不起 (四合院模型)
We hope to see you all in Beijing. One will be great if he has a dream.

有勇气就会有奇迹 (天坛坛门)
Wonders never cease if there exists courage.



北京欢迎你的英文歌词是翻译过去的,我要做手抄报用,格式如下:迎接另一个晨曦带来全新空气气息改变情味不变茶香飘满情谊我家大门常打开开放怀抱等你拥抱过就有了默契你会爱上这里 北京欢迎你英文歌词 北京欢迎你.欢迎你来北京.的英语翻译. 北京欢迎你的歌词 北京欢迎你的英文是什么? 五个福娃的名字连接在一起,就是北京欢迎你;这个如何翻译 欢迎你做我的朋友 用英文怎么说?急! “北京欢迎你”(福娃们组成的那句话)用美语怎么说?要最地道正宗的美语.不需要把“你”翻译出来吗? 北京欢迎你吉祥物里的贝贝是怎么来的 怎样写这样一封英文回信 内容是这样的:这真是一个好消息 我们很欢迎你们来北京详谈 邀请函我会很快准备好给您快递过去 请告诉我计划来京时间 非常遗憾 你和父亲这次没能来北京 不过 上帝是女孩的英文歌词和翻译 翻译完成句子: 中国生产的汽车普遍受到消费者的欢迎. Cars are popular with the consumers.是(过去分词短语做状语)的,中间要填写什么.求速解啊~~ 求中译英:我很高兴在北京见到你...是过去发生的事情 中文应该这样说:我很高兴那次在北京见到了你 奥运会的五大福娃是 A北北京京欢欢迎迎你你. B贝贝晶晶欢欢迎迎你你. 求经典的英文歌词 要带翻译 英语翻译我们很快就踏上了去北京的路(过去时)我要的是过去时, [求歌词]Lullaby For You 英文版本的1楼的...不过我要的是英文歌词..不是翻译歌词,,,, 飞向别人的床的英文歌词谁帮我翻译一下全文?注意,是全文.