
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/18 03:36:49


Dear Jane,

I have been enrolled by XX University and have to set out to America to register before this term begins. Now comes the hour of parting with you and all my firendsr. It will be at least four years before we can see one another next time. Every time I call to mind the days when we studied and lived together, it always brings me many happy memories. How well I was getting along with you! In order to leave us with all these memories, I think why not to organise a good-bye party at home to talk freely to our heart's content. The party is to be held at 6 in the afternoon this Sunday and I will be looking forward to your coming on time.

Li Hua

Dear Jane
how are you doing? I am leaving to States soon.Iwish you can some to my house and join in my party, if you have time, please come, I have alot of things to talk to you ! S...


Dear Jane
how are you doing? I am leaving to States soon.Iwish you can some to my house and join in my party, if you have time, please come, I have alot of things to talk to you ! Sincerely yours .
邀请 的 信件 不可以写 那么多字, 需要简明扼要, 要不她 看完就忘了你要她干什么了。 希望我的回答对你又帮助!


英文告别舞会邀请函内容是我不久后要去美国了,想写一份邀请函给我的朋友珍妮这个周末来我家参加我的告别会.100字 美国签证邀请函一般是是中文还是英文,里面包括什么内容啊 英文写邀请函内容:邀请老外来中国看奥运 有关美国商务签证邀请函~ 谁能提供给我一个英文的生日聚会邀请函?而且是一篇,不是一句! 求一封英文邀请函内容是邀请客户到我公司来参加party,我们准备了烧烤、法国红酒、点心、各类水果等,时间暂时没有定下来,具体内容 为:承蒙你长期以来的大力支持,在迎接2010年之际,希 邀请函 求翻译成英文!好久不见,非常想念.听说你们刚从美国回来,不久又将返回美国.因此想邀请两位于6月10日下午6:30来家里吃饭.饭后一起去听音乐会.请务必光临. 谁帮我用英文写家长会邀请函 40字左右 英文生日邀请函 英文生日派对邀请函 英文的生日邀请函 英语翻译邀请函,英文, 英文邀请人家吃饭的邀请函格式是怎样的 英文邀请函中,Dear sir/madam是不对吗 英语翻译亲爱的琳达,刚才那封是我的父母让我发给你的正式的邀请函,希望没有把你吓到.如果你能来我们的舞会,我们将感到十分荣幸.我知道你不喜欢这种太正式的拘束的场合,但是我们真心 如果能收到美国某公司邀请函,去美签证好办吗?我学的是厨师有证,我叔叔在美LA开了家运输公司,他说他能和当地招聘厨师的餐厅联系,向我发邀请函,让我去那工作.问题:1.收到那边的邀请函 怎么写一封英文婚礼邀请函啊我想知道这个英文婚礼邀请函的对称格式是怎样的. 求一篇正式的英文邀请函(内容自定)谢谢?