mount rushmore 的四位美国总统是谁

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mount rushmore 的四位美国总统是谁

依山开凿,雕刻的“总统山”,端庄、凝重、气势恢弘.昔日光秃秃的花岗岩峰顶上,如今雄踞着乔治·华盛顿(Goorge Washington)、托马斯·杰佛逊(Thomas.Jefferson)、亚伯拉罕·林肯(Abrahan Lin-coln)和狄奥多·罗斯福(Hheobere Rooserch)四位总统的巨型半身塑像.这些虚实并重的半身石刻雕塑像,体量很大,每位总统的面孔,从下颏到头顶部,分别从18米到21米不等.其中,仅林肯的嘴唇,就宽达6米多.

mount rushmore 的四位美国总统是谁 MOUNT RUSHMORE 美国总统山怎么样 .Mount Rushmore.The statue ofMount Rushmore.The statue of liberty. Mount Rushmore什么意思?有谁知道? In the Black Hills of North Dakota four famousfaces stareout of the face of granite diff.The faces are those of GeorgeWashington ------------The faces of the four american presidents comprise the Mount Rushmore National Memorial.的翻译是什么呀 美国的四位总统任期先后.四位总统是 华盛顿 林肯 杰斐逊 肯尼迪 排下序撒. 求大神帮忙翻译个小段落,英语的...The primary resource at Mount Rushmore is the granite sculpture itself, but also of interest is the Sculptor's Studio built under the direction of Sculptor Gutzon Borglum in 1939. Unique plaster models an length和distancethe faces of four famous American presidents on Mount rushmore can be seen from a _______ of 60 miles Abbey Mount的意思 求美国四位总统就是被刻在一座山上的名字,从左到右 美国之声(the voice)第一集中四位评审唱的是什么歌? 美国之声(the voice)第一集中四位评审唱的是什么歌... 一道SAT语法真题题求教07年10月题Annual vistors (to) NYC's Central Park( number)( almost )ten times (that of Mount Rushmore)选that of Mount Rushmore.不确定哪错了,难道是要在that前加as?. mount Mount MOUNT QOMOLANGMA的发音MOUNT QOMOLANGMA怎么念的? 谁知道Mount Qomolangma 的音标? 谁知道Mount Qomolangma 的音标?