
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/12 03:41:05


Long long ago,there was a little goat who was very arrogant .He looked down on the little rabbit and little duck and always bullied them.One day,he cried with sadness because his cleat was stuck into the fence.At the moment,the little rabbit and little duck did him a favor by pulling his tail out.At last,he was
intricated from the fence.When the little goat knew that the little rabbit and little duck saved him,he were ashamed but thankful.

Once upon a time there was a little goat, very arrogant, always look down on small animals, little rabbit and little duck is always bullyBoys and girls.One day, a goat cover the seam stuck in the fenc...


Once upon a time there was a little goat, very arrogant, always look down on small animals, little rabbit and little duck is always bullyBoys and girls.One day, a goat cover the seam stuck in the fence, how also can't pull it out, little goat sad crying, at that time the small white rabbit and little duck sees him and rushed over to help, pull a little tried to help it out of the tail of a goat, kid finally with the help of the little rabbit and little duck from the fence.Kid see was once bullied little rabbit and little duck saved himself, kid feel very ashamed, but also very grateful to them.


英语翻译从前有一只小山羊,十分的高傲自大,总看不起小动物,遇到小兔子和小鸭子还总是欺负们.有一天,山羊把角卡在了篱笆缝中,怎么也拔不出来,小山羊伤心难过的哭起来,这时候小白兔和 乌鸦为什么是黑的 你想对乌鸦说什么从前有一只美丽鸟,它羽毛丰满,艳 丽动人,谁见了都夸它漂亮.美丽鸟 高傲自大,离群寡合,成天独自在林 中唱歌跳舞,炫耀自己.秋天到了,啄木鸟和喜鹊们都 英语翻译现在还是挺想念从前的 老山羊和小山羊的特点是? 狼和七只小山羊的童话故事 可爱的小山羊是病句如何修改 小山羊吃草的故事告诉我们什么? 小山羊在山坡上吃草改为拟人句体现出小山羊愉快的心情 小山羊在山坡上吃,草改为拟人句,体现出小山羊愉快的心情 英语翻译尼采的一句名言矜高 英文是什么 可能原文翻译的有误 不要直译成 Jin Gao conceited是高傲自大吧 含褒义吗矜高 是不是可以是 庄重自持 自豪 的意思 英语翻译.从前有个小蘑菇. 英语翻译要十分准确的! “我将再看一遍从前的照片”英语翻译 英语翻译十分 英语翻译中文是 “oppa 穿西装十分十分的帅气 英语翻译囊萤映雪从前有个叫车胤的人,虽然家境十分贫困,但却十分刻苦读书.为了维持温饱,他的父亲没有多余的钱买灯油供他晚上读书,但他没有因此而甘心.在夏天的一个晚上,他正在院子里 英语翻译你比从前快乐 来评论我的故事寓言故事:从前有一只青蛙.经典故事:从前在井里有一只青蛙.古代故事:从前在小茅屋里有益只青蛙.科幻故事:从前在太空里有一只青蛙.搞笑故事:从前在茅坑里有一只青