
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/17 18:32:25


Dear Tom
Thank you for careing about the disaster that took place in LUSHAN.2013,20th,April,a big earthquake reaching level 7.0 took place in lushan, sichuang province.which brought a series of disaters,about 200 people lost their lives,and 25people were missing,even worse,1,2000 people were injured.Cause that, our school also shut off. But,it did not destory our sprits,and l believe we can rebuild our home,our garden,makeing it be better.

几年级的,我好写八年级的Dear Tom
Thank you for careing about the disaster that took place in LUSHAN.2013,20th,April,a big earthquake reaching level 7.0 took place in lushan, sichuang province.which brought a ...


