
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/17 22:28:15

炒粿条(Fried Kway Teow)
海南鸡饭(Hainanese Chicken Rice)
辣椒螃蟹和黑胡椒螃蟹 (Chilli Crab & Black Pepper Crab)

Singapore is a multi-ethnic country,there are Chinese,Malays,Indians and the Western Europeans,and so on,because of their ethnic diversity,Singapore's so rich and varied diet.Whether it is Chinese food,Western-style fast food,Japanese food,Korean barbecue,Thai food,Indonesian food,flavor or Malay,Indian-style diet,are here.Singapore,known as a gourmet's paradise,do not have to go out here,you can eat exotic food.
Singapore also has its own characteristics vegetables,which are long lived Malaysia,Singapore,Chinese,Malay and Chinese food fusion cuisine developed by the dishes,called Nyonya.In addition,the representative of the Singapore Food:Hainanese chicken rice,fried noodles,Fujian,fresh fruit fried clams,fried carrot cake,stuffed bean curd,sand pot of rice,pork wonton noodles,shrimp noodles,Lu Mian,fish fruit Article face,Beef powder,rice head,Bak Kut The,Shan Shui Tang,head furnace,and so on,in addition to these,various types of congee and dim sum are also very delicious,such as fried bananas,Spiced Xia Bing,crystal package,spring rolls,Chaozhou-style pizza,Yellow Pear cake,porridge preserved eggs,pork soup,fish soup,Ji Yu,duck soup,and so on.These foods are from the early Chinese immigrants,followed by Fujian and Guangdong over there eating habits,style,coupled with their own style,gradually formed its own characteristics Singapore food.
In recent years,as more and more Chinese people come to Singapore,Singapore recently began a rise of Sichuan,Chongqing hot pot craze.In the heat of summer all year round in Singapore,hot pot or so,would not have imagined.
I introduced a few more features of the Singapore Food:
Laksa (Laksa)
A typical dish Nyonya style,inherited the traditional Chinese food,Malay and flavor.Even the taste of this Chibu Guan is.This is the first food from soup curry and a mixture of Nasi.Singaporeans are like this food,but a lot of the field to have the kind of Chi Buguan sweet taste of Lala
Char Kway Teow (Fried Kway Teow)
Ah,this is still relatively and my food.However,the difference between selling a lot,just seeing the beginning of this food,to find a black,but to eat up the flavor of good,and then squeeze a little lime juice,and taste better.
Satay (Satay)
This is similar to the Chinese roast lamb.Satay is the Malay,Malay is the flavor of food.Yan Hao of beef,mutton,chicken and string in order to train moderate heat charcoal,the most important thing is to dip satay sauce or curry sauce together with the entrance.I can accept this,and good taste.
Hainanese Chicken Rice (Hainanese Chicken Rice)
This is my favorite food of Singapore.It is said by the Hainan-side up,but I know that people in Hainan,Hainan chicken rice does not taste This,it is estimated that there are injected Singapore now has its own characteristics.The famous Hainanese chicken rice,however,appears to be an ordinary meal Baizhan Ji,the only person to know will be able to enjoy eating a bowl of rice,are delicious.
Chilli crabs and black pepper crab (Chilli Crab & Black Pepper Crab)
In addition Singapore is a feature of other vendors,there are no stores,hawker everywhere together,sometimes referred to as "food center." Singapore called this place "Lau Pa Sat" is the Malay translation.Such a center of countless vendors,and more local people will certainly have a street vendor,especially in the HDB area.For example,as a tourist attraction from the beginning of the Newton circle of a high-rise buildings,in order to have the local vendors for customer base,these vendors operate in the form of food is very rich in vegetables from China,Malay dishes,vegetables and even Western India,Japan Food,everything.Cheap,delicious taste."Center vendors," Singapore's food culture is an indispensable page.This is also to meet friends for dinner provides a convenient and can choose their favorite food.

英语翻译新加坡是一个多民族的国家,有华人、马来人、印度人、以及西欧人等,因其种族的多元化,新加坡的饮食因而丰富多彩.无论是中式菜肴、西式快餐、日本料理、韩国烧烤、泰国餐、印 新加坡全是华人为什么他们是一个国家 新加坡华人眼中的祖国是哪个国家新加坡华人眼中的祖国是中国还是新加坡啊? 新加坡是华人国家吗?RT 新加坡对中国的意义新加坡是华人国家,然而历来奉行敌视中国政策 新加坡,马来西亚等华人多的国家和地区的汉字教学采取的是简体字教学吗? 英语翻译我国是一个多民族、多语言的国家,有56个民族,共有80中以上语言.汉语是使用人数最多的一种语言,全世界大约有15亿人使用汉语.除中国大陆、台湾省和香港、澳门特区外,新加坡、马 新加坡原来是哪个国家的,为什么华人很多新加坡什么时候才能回到我们祖国的怀抱呢 新加坡有多少华人?多少是从中国移民到新加坡的,占新加坡人口的比例? 世界上除新加坡外,华人与华侨占人口比例最高的国家是: 世界上除新加坡外,华人与华侨占人口比列最高的国家是? 在说英语的国家中,哪个国家华人最多?在说英语的国家中,哪个国家(城市)华人最多?像:美国,加拿大,英国,爱尔兰,澳大利亚,新西兰````除新加坡外,因为那里整个是个华人堆儿~ 新加坡华人聚集的地方 有谁在新加坡生活过,那里确实是80%的华人吗?英语是新加坡的官方语言,中文是不是也是官方语言? 俄罗斯是一个多民族的国家,其人口数量最多的民族是 一方面,超过四分之三的人口是中国人,另一方面,新加坡也是一个说英语的国家.英语翻译 我国是一个多民族的国家,每个民族都有自己的聚居地区.风土人情和民族习惯.请选一个民族,做简单的介绍. 新加坡的华人为什么都说英语