一个有关有趣的英语单词的演讲比如说Tuhao,no zuo no die,不用太多求有意思求有意思的美国俚语

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/21 02:37:19

一个有关有趣的英语单词的演讲比如说Tuhao,no zuo no die,不用太多

an eye for an eye 以牙还牙
have a bedroom eyes 有一双性感的眼睛
an eye for something 对某物有鉴赏力
eye someone 细看某人,打量某人
have eyes bigger than one’s stomach?眼馋肚饱
four-eye 四眼
give someone a black eye 把某人打得鼻青眼肿
make goo-goo eyes at someone 对某人抛媚眼
green-eyed monster 嫉妒心
in a pig’s eye 废话,胡说
keep an eye on someone 密切注视某人,照看某人
keep one’s eyes peeled留心,警惕
see eye-to-eye 看法一致
be all ears 聚精会神地听,洗耳恭听
bend someone’s ear 与某人喋喋不休
blow it out one’s ear 胡说八道
chew someone’s ear off 对某人喋喋不休
have an ear for music 有音乐方面的天赋
fall on deaf ears 和没有心思听的人说话,没被理睬
good ear 辨别声音
keep one’s ear to the ground 注意听
perk up one’s ear 引起注意,竖起耳朵
play by ear 听过音乐后,不看乐谱而凭记忆演奏
put a bug in someone’s ear 事先给某人暗示,警告某人
talk someone’s ear off 因喋喋不休而惹怒某人
get off to a good start"”有了好的开始,开门红” Get the boot 委婉表达解雇某人If you're late again,you're getting the boot.”get booted 在chatrooms 还有被踢出去的意思.)
get one's teeth into something:认真对待,全神贯注于,死死咬住
