
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/24 19:04:03


Ebb and Flow:Narrative Yang Shengli Dong King of ancient song:
              Grow too many women no silver wear,and raised a boy no more farming;
              Conflicts between men and women compete gold and silver,brothers and sisters endless trouble.
Singing refreshing summer night,the girls are gong to follow Yang Hai song learning to sing Dongzutaige.Dong did not own the text,all the historical and cultural heritage are the songs,followed by "rice-cultivation,Song Yang Xin," the phrase has become popular for generations,the truth Dong Jia.Song Dong area division is recognized as the most knowledgeable,most people understand the truth,so popular Dongjia respect for human beings.
Dong Jia Dong Chorus nourish the human mind,and this resembles the pyramid cedar building - the Drum Tower,on behalf of the supreme power and cultural center.Dong people all the major things always carried out on the Drum Tower,in their view,only here,Dong ancestors can solve problems with them,help them to quell disturbances,and only here,is on Dong generations best respect.
Ghost teachers hold still busy busy people in the village luck.A few days ago,the villagers up the mountain chopped wood,and unfortunately saw two snakes mating side of the road,in the Azeri accounting view,animals have their own secrets and privacy,who knows the family should know that the secret would bring disaster,so they invite lock busy doing exorcism rites,pardon their sins,praying that the family of peace.Respect other people's secrets,keep their own secrets has become a daily way of life accounted for Azeri.
Slack time,women are always in twos and threes together,spinning,weaving,playing Ciba.With the rhythmic beating sound,accounting for Azeri waiting the most important annual festival,who started the eighth lunar month.
Mr.Wu's wife,Lee Pui Oi has been 7 months pregnant,and high growth rural health centers,the day the doctor came to her home was examined,the results of mother and child safe for the whole family happy.
Ebb and Flow:Narrative Yang Shengli Dong King of ancient songs:a tree,a nest of birds,more litter will starve.
Lunar month started this morning,normally a quiet village and lively again.Busy hold getting old,63-year-old Yang Hai Song gong from today to succeed his position as a ghost account in the most important division.
Village elders said their ancestors came to this day is accounted for in the day,so each year today,the village must hold grand activities to commemorate the arrival of their ancestors,listening to the teachings of their ancestors.
(Site:Walled Old:the annual August started this,we who have come here Quanzhai proposed paragraph,a couple only can a man and a woman,no more students,more people are not allowed to birth Quan Zhai,a man and a Health We just enough to pay for enough women to wear.
Kung Chao:We must abide by camp rules,our stockade be harmonious,the Village Planning millennium change,years do not change,we can do it?Can.If you who committed the Village Planning Board,and you dare to penalty?Dare.
Walled Old:The Village Planning Board is left over for generations,now rules this camp unto you,and you have to pass it from generation to generation.)
Golden Wo to the village covered more than 400 large and small,Wo air,it was a big year this year.
(Black market)
Another year accounted for the spring back in,with the cold winter dispersed,ghost teachers hold,too,run their own busy life.
(Public holds:the money is for you,how you want to use on how to use.
I hope you can help us over there.You drink it.)
Images + Music:Dong's coffin
Spring always brings people hope,Mr.Wu Li's daughter came up dead,the family has added a lot of fun,beyond their children will also be accounted for in accordance with their own way of life,growth.
New year,new life,all in turn begin a new cycle of here.
Subtitles:account in the population control is a miracle,their "optimum population" theory is a conscious,simple act,from their land and the interdependence between human beings the most simple to understand.
For the exchange flowers,maybe just Azeri total fertility symbol of civilization in a kind of materialized.
Secret may be necessary forever,on when it is a beautiful legend.However,in total,the harmonious coexistence between man and nature scenes are real,this is our basic survival ......



英语翻译侗歌:侗族歌王杨生礼的叙事古歌:养得女多无银戴,养得男多无田耕;女争金银男争地,兄弟姐妹闹不休.盛夏夜晚的歌声沁人心脾,女孩们正在跟着歌师公阳海学唱侗族大歌.侗族没 英语翻译侗歌:侗族歌王杨生礼的叙事古歌:树结果多树翻根,家养崽多家贫困.一千多年前,连年的战乱和饥荒,占里的祖先被迫离开家乡,从广西苍梧郡沿都柳江一路漂泊,来到了占里.土地肥沃 急求翻译越快越好---《一棵树上一窝雀3》侗歌:侗族歌王杨生礼的叙事古歌: 养得女多无银戴,养得男多无田耕; 女争金银男争地,兄弟姐妹闹不休.盛夏夜晚的歌声沁人 古楼和侗族大歌的英文翻译 哪些歌是侗族大歌? 英语翻译是西班牙语歌吧 我要歌词和翻译 PS:貌似有很多同名的歌王力宏有翻唱的si tu te vas 不知道是不是也是这一首 太混乱了了啊 侗族大歌听起来有什么感受?要听起来的感受哦! 侗族民族风俗的作文 侗族大歌有着怎样的价值?如果它失传会造成哪写影响?侗族大歌都在那些国内国际舞台上绽放过璀璨的光辉?侗族大歌面临着哪些冲击?你觉得应该如何扭转其面临的后继无人,濒临失传的尴尬 李宗侗,侗族,卢侗的侗怎么念历史界挺有名的一大家 芦笙节是侗族的节日吗? 连线下列连线壮族 端节仫佬族 盘王节侗族 那达慕水族 斗马节瑶族 三月三歌节苗族 花炮节蒙古族 走坡节 英语翻译古文言文的翻译 爽爽的贵阳,是名副其实的“林城”有没有错别字 还有一句 - - 素有“天籁之音”美誉的侗族大歌,早已蛮声海外.帮忙找下错别字 像侗族风雨桥一样独具特色的桥有哪些 侗族有什么民歌,并说出他的衬词 英语翻译ps:最好关于春节趣事的叙事作文 为什么很多外国人不会写汉字,中国话却讲的很好?比如红歌王好弟.