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英语论文 :On Characters in“the Picture of Dorian Gray”[1]

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/10 00:04:25 英语论文
英语论文 :On Characters in“the Picture of Dorian Gray”[1]英语论文
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【Abstract】Oscar Wilde as one of the most distinguished aesthetes overpowers the English world with his scintillating address and writing on aestheticism. Especially in “the picture of Dorian Gray”, the only novel in his lifetime, Wilde paints a picture in which his brilliant aesthetic creeds find their full expression. Through the analyses of three main characters involved in the novel, the thesis attempts to explore the essentials of Wilde’s aesthetic theories and offer an easy approach to readers’ further understanding of the Irish wit.

【Key words】aestheticism; hedonism; narcissism; dandyism; cynicism;sensibility; paradox

In public eyes, he belongs to “the alternative society”. His quaint style of dressing, trenchant wit and eloquence, aesthetic belief of “art for art’s sake” and sexual orientation make a mystery of him. In his lifetime, discussion over his literary works and private life remains intent among the reading public. And many years after his death, his mystic resplendent charm, instead of being effaced by the lapse of time, began to assert itself and gained increasing admiration from more open-minded generations. The appeal emanated from within the Irish wit is so enduring that even when Winston Churchill is asked with whom he prefers most to talk if chance permits, the worldly acknowledged master of language offered the name without any hesitation. The name falls on none other than Oscar Wilde.

As a staunch advocate for the aesthetic movement which developed in Britain during the late nineteenth century as a protest against the prevailing industrial emphasis on “the useful” or utilitarianism, Oscar Wilde impresses the world primarily with his amazing power of language in presenting his aesthetic thoughts and theories. Pervading in his literary works are epigrammic wit, amusing irony and paradoxical quotes with humorous skepticism and cynical charm. Especially in “the picture of Dorian Gray”, his only novel, Wilde instills himself and英语论文