
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/02 09:38:44
问一道英语选择题哈The money he spends ever month( )about 100 yuan.A.adds up to B.adds up C.adds D.adds to 一道英语选择题哈、The Spring Festival is____important day in China.A.a B.the C.an D./我就是B和C之间不确定,正确的到底选哪个? 英语翻译Conducting medical & dental missions to far flung places making it coincide during AOPA-P fly-ins.And lastly when any of our comrades has fallen & declared missing,we in AOPA-P organized and joined search and rescue operations without del 英语翻译225 Kg Max empty Wgt,500f AGL,3nM radius 英语翻译学生在语言习得的过程中往往会受到情感因素的影响和制约.情感过滤强度因人而异,持消极态度的外语学习者的情感过滤作用很强,他们往往不愿主动地去获取更多的语言输入,即使能 英语 音标试卷 (8 12:35:38)老师们,给我一份音标试卷 2006-2007学年度上学期小学五年级英语形成性测试题(5-8) 谁有2006-2007学年度上学期小学五年级英语形成性测试题(5-8)录音 第八题. 一个灯泡 L,标有"16V,12W"字样,一直流电动机D,其线圈内阻为2Ω,把L与D并联,当电动机正常工作时,灯泡也正常发光;把L与D串联,当电动机正常工作时,灯泡的实际功率为额定功率的3/4.求这台电动 在平直的公路上,甲车由静止开始以2m/s²的加速度做匀加速度运动,同时在甲车后面相距L=40m处,乙车以12m/s的速度做匀直线运动,并与甲车同向行驶,问:1试通过计算分析说明乙车能否追 运输机要紧急空投一批货物都灾区的救援点,已知该运输机以v0=80m/s的速度在距离地面125m的空中飞行,假设物体不受空气阻力,g取10m/s方,请问在距离救援点水平距离多远处投放救援物品.到底得 人从高处跳下易造成骨折,一般成年人每条腿胫骨的极限抗压强度为1.5X10^7N/m²,胫骨的最小横截面积一般为3.2CM,假如一个质量为50KG的人从某一高度跳下.双足着地后下蹲,重心下降了15CM,请计 英语时态练习题1.She _____ her pen in her room now.A.finds B.is finding C.looks for D.is looking for2 According to(根据) the time table,the train for London ___ at seven o'clock in the evening.A.was leaving B.has left C.leaves D.will leave 3 英语时态练习题 帮我初二英语时态练习题 帮我 根据括号里菂动词的适当形式填空(1)My uncle_________ (be) in this city for many years.(2)She_________ (not play) football these days.(3)He_________ never_________ 英语时态习题"Tom,what's the matter with your brother?"asked the mother in the kitchen."He's crying.""Oh,notthing,Mum.I'm eating my cake.He's been crying because I won't give him any.""But has he finished his own cake?""Yes,"said Tom,"and he als 人教版七年级英语P67 面3a翻译. 肯请各位高人帮我手译成中文,谢绝机译In the Western Electric study,Shekelle and his colleagues found few connections between the incidence of lung cancer and the consumption of foods containing preformed vitamin A.But when they examine 英语时态练习1.We (already plan)to get married.2.She (never meet)her cousins.They live in another country.Lilian (contact)you since she (move)to Boston?3.She (live)in this small town since she (be)a child.She (never try)to live in the city.4.We 1.行车的钢丝车L=3M,下面吊着质量为M=2800KG的货物,以速度V=2M/S匀速行驶.行车突然刹车,钢丝绳受到的拉力是多少?2.在光滑的水平面上钉有两个铁钉A和B,相距0.1M,长1M的细线一端系A上,另一端系一 几道题高中物理题目!①人造卫星离地面的距离等于地球半径R,微星绕行的速度为v,地球上的重力加速度为g,则三个量的关系是v=___________②一颗质量为10g的子弹,射入土墙后停留在0.5m处,若子弹 1、一根质量不计,长为1m的能承受最大拉力为14N的绳子,一端固定在天花板上,另一端系质量为1Kg的小球,整个装置处于平衡状态,若要将绳子拉断,作用在球上的水平冲量应为多少Ns?2、质量为M的 高中物理几道题目.假设飞机着陆后做匀减速运动,经10S速度减为一半,滑行450米,则飞机着陆的速度是多少?着陆后30滑行的距离是多少米?做自由落体运动的物体通过最后10米所用的时间是1米,则 英语时态练习题 英语,过去时态.用所给动词的适当形式填空.1、Linda___(leave)her key in the classroom so she came back for it.2、When the warthquake took place,I ___(watch) the evening news.3、--Did you see Tom when you arrived there?--Yes,but he___ 某人在高处用望远镜眺望,看到远处一铁匠以每秒一次的快慢节奏锻打铁块,在他看到铁匠最后一次打铁块的同时听到了打击声,随后还听到了两次打击声.\则铁匠和此人的距离约为多少? 高分求英文翻译!(拒绝机器翻译)石油危机的爆发,对世界经济造成巨大影响,随着人类大量使用矿物燃料带来的环境问题日益严重,各国政府开始关心重视生物质能源的开发利用.玉米秸秆湿 英语翻译please note that this approval does not exempt the pass holder from registration or compliance with any other conditions required under the respective professions,for which professional registration to practise in singapore is a prerequis His father ______ the Party since 1978 .  A.joined B.has joined C.was in D.has been inHe _____ the Army by the end of 1992.He ____ in the army since then.A.joined…is B.has joined…has beenC.had joined…is D.has joined… has been为什么第 英语翻译 这个英文名的中文读法是什么啊Enid Lake就是这个啦不是翻译单词就像 Green 翻译成 格林 那样这是个女生的名字我的吸血鬼名字 j字带头的英文名,中文意思和读法(怎么读)女生的