
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/06 05:04:23
密封容器中的长蜡烛和段蜡烛那个先熄灭,和哪些因素有关 定语从句 把下列句子改成两个简单句1.The painting at which I looked was painted by Vincent Van Gogh.2.The girl withwhom you talked at the meeting is a college student3.The book which I heard was writters twenty years ago.4.The people to 因为自卫而杀害保护动物要判刑吗如题,如果人在特殊情况下如果你不杀害动物,动物就要把你吃了,这样要不要判刑 不小心踩死只蚂蚁,国家一级保护动物.要判刑么? maybe it is ____they have a harder life.A.what B.how C.why D.because怎么选D呢?我选的C,但老师说D符合意思,是不是跟语法神马的有关…… 快乐与忧愁 作文 快乐与忧愁作文400字 就是分一下类,不能和氢离子共存的,不能和氢氧根共存的,由于氧化还原不能共存的,等等等. 急求翻译How often one hears children wishing they were grown up, and old people wishingHow often one hears children wishing they were grown up, and old people wishing they were young again.Each age has its pleasures and its pains, and the happies 翻译 don't get to them often ,英语beach可不可beach可不可,请先讲解在给几个句子 我们明天将去沙滩,除非下雨.(go to the beach)用英语翻译 定语从句变简单句,求今晚前解决1 the water pipes in some buildings cracked and burst.but the one million people of the city,who thiught little of these events,were asleep as usual that night2 A huge crack that was eight kilometres long an 填上十二生肖名称( )出洞——东张西望( )屁股——摸不得( )吃草——吞吞吐吐亡( )补牢——为时不晚盲人骑瞎( )——乱闯( )拉扯——连蹦带跳( )王爷搬家——厉害( ) 什么出洞——东张西望 东张西望的英文帮我把东张西望这个词翻译成英文 什么出洞东张西望 谁知道有什么著名的古诗词?像 李清照的《声声慢》、辛弃疾的《青玉案•元夕》、苏轼的《念奴娇赤壁怀古》等等! “海滨”和“海滩”英文怎么写? 急求用英文介绍铁岭风景文化,大概三分钟 海边 英语by sea or by the seaTom lives__________ (by sea /by the sea) 1st~31st的完整形式急 31st完整形式90th22nd43rd November 野鸡是国家几级保护动物?谢谢! 野山鸡是国家保护动物吗?属于几级保护动物? 野鸡是不是国家保护动物 请问:野鸡是国家几级保护动物吗请问:野鸡是国家几级保护动物? Want be your lover want be your man Can you be my lover dont wanna be your fri 这两句什么意思 英语翻译客户至上,以人为本的英文是什么?标准的阿! 哪些离子因发生氧化还原反应而不能大量共存的?列举出来 因氧化还原反应而不能共存的离子