
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 07:42:19
Would you show me how I mack a cake =Would you shou me ____ ____ ____a cake would you please show ___how to ___a cakeA me,cakeB us ,makingC we ,makeD i ,cake 在office用什么介词 office前加an还是a?急求! an email前加什么介词加by with on in?如email前加by,那email前有an了加什么介词? I like making some clothes.怎么改成一般疑问句 They like model planes.改为一般疑问句和否定句 英语有几个时态?分别是什么?如何构成? 英语有几个时态?分别是什么? 英语的时态有那几种?请按一定规律列出, can you tell me how can i make a vegetable salad?(改为同义句)can you tell me ( ) ( )make a vegetable salad? Can you tell me how I can make Russian soup?的同义句是什么 send是及物动词吗?发送什么东西怎么用英语. they like__(make) model planes 填上适当的形式 I often make model planes on saturdays.(对画线部分提问)make model planes 画线 The boys are making model planes over there.(对画线部分提问)The boys are making model planes over there.(对画线部分提问) _____ the boys _____ over there?画线的是are making model planes 不要说前面少了条线,要画线的是 高一数学急求答案!谢谢一.已知Sinθ+cosθ=1/5,θ∈(0,π)则sin2θ的值是(最后答案)二.当x∈[π/6,2π/3]时,函数y=sin x的值域为(最后答案)三.求函数Y=sin^2x+2sinxcosx+3cos^2x的最小值,并求出使y取 旷课检讨书300字 求一份逃课检讨书 300字左右~ 3000字逃课检讨书我因3天没去学校急需一份3000字检讨书 必有重谢!(>_ 给我一篇考试考不好的检讨书!我因考试考不好,被老师说写!求个位大圣帮帮忙!50字左右的,不要太多 第四题谢谢,填a或an或or I‘ve got ------------------onion and -------------meat.用词填空a,an,some 猜词 Soup is usually put in this b--- A carrot or an onion is an example of this v-------- this is an onion and that is --- beef 横杠上添a an 还是/ things ,like,make,this,怎么 连词成句 翻译:like making things (1) this,whose,book,is,French (2)making,don't,I,speeches,like(连词成句) where have you 说这个话的时候 对方到底回来了没有? Where have you gone后面要不要加to, 求where have you gone Rickylee的歌词!