
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 21:09:31
帮忙翻译成英语:在发货时严格要求产品的型号以及产品编号. I LOST MY 中文翻译成英文:产品和模具预计安排在28号发货,是否可以? i lose myaelf是什么意思 I lost my puese什么意思是purse 木有情的来源和意思?到处看到神马 果断木有情啊,RT 君有情兮其然乎是什么意思 有情可原什么意思 熬住就是一切阅读题答案 熬药 语文阅读答案熬药吴克诚所谓的药大都是些亡去很久的草.长得正好的草是不配叫药的,即使硬放进药屉里,不久它也会烂掉,因为它末经晒、烘、焙或炒——九九八十一劫,少了一劫,也不能 熬药 吴克诚所谓的药大都是些亡去很久的草.长得正好的草是不配叫药的,即使硬放进药屉里,不久它也会烂掉,因为它末经晒、烘、焙或炒——九九八十一劫,少了一劫,也不能成药.所以药都身 熬药阅读答案现代文阅读 熬药的阅读答案第一道题是:读过此文,你认为“药”的含义有哪些?快现在就要 时态和语态be careto let tom know the notice as soon as he_____ 吃啥补啥有什么科学依据 吃啥补啥有根据吗? as if虚拟句She treats him as if he were a stranger.她待他如陌生人.为什么这里要用he were 而不用was 高考英语.Canada is a country many different nationalities as well as one with .34.Canada is a country many different nationalities as well as one with foreign immigrants the majority of its population.A.making up of; occupied with B.consist W:Was the movie as good as you expected?M:It was a waste of time and money.We should have stayed at home.Q:How does the man feel about the move?(We should have stayed at home)这句为什么用完成时,是什么时态的完成时 I was disappointed with the film .I had expected拜托各位了 3QI was disappointed with the film .I had expected ______ to be much better.A.that B.this C.one D.it 【解析】 We are going to learn about the UFO in the next lesson.So I need to get some ____about it.A.messageB.informationC.viewD.instructions请大家帮我辨析一下答案为什么是B,而D为什么不可以呢 as.as在句子中的位置都有哪些?请具体说明! as if 可放句首吗 说明流行弊大于利利大于弊的免提 德语zum后接第几格 feature用法The mother is featured the son.这句话中feature为什么这样用?为什么不用The son features the mother或The mother is featured by the son 全额、差额、定补是什么意思 ? 人称代词,宾格,主语有哪些?急用! 宾格他/她可以做主语吗?his/her 看电视的弊大于利一辩的陈词. 翻译:你的论点相当容易受到批评(vulneable) 报纸在显著位置报道那个事件(feature) 我们很可能会轻松取 初二语文13课第二自然段起了什么作用?