
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 08:53:44
选择题____any call me tomorrow,just tell him thatI will be on business in Houston.A.WouldB.Were C.MightDShould.请说明原因 Mr shi,You in my heart has always been the best.cheer up是什麼意思 I wanna tell you,you have been always in my heart. 英语翻译 牛津大学在英国的哪个城市 have you____the book before?a.readsb.readedc.readd.had read be,being,been 区别这三个词我不怎么分得了,请帮我分析一下他们的用法,请具体一点, Old is a point of view.怎么翻译 怎么表达牛津大学和剑桥大学的相对位置 翻译:The exercise is worth the cost from my point of view. 英语翻译一个英国人说的 Oxford College 是牛津大学吗 用字母A到Z造句一朋友问我的 三角区总出油该怎么办? 会话区是—块三角形,这块地的最大角是90度,是最小的角的3倍.请你求出这块地每个角的度数.这是一个什么三角形? 三角区的痣可以点吗? 翻译:If you leave your watch there,it'll get broken.首先get broken怎么理解?是摔坏的意思吗?好像没这个短语诶.再次leave your watch there 理解成“把你的手表留在那”这和摔坏有什么关系?最后,broken作动词 miss this point that just because the best waiting for you at the next stop.啥意思? 根据句意及首字母完成单词:You may ask your teacher for help.Maybe he can help you s__the problem. A:Is there a sign[ ]there?B:Yes,there[ ].A:Does it mean''No climbing''?B:YES,[ ]does. 我的手表坏了 there is ( )( )( ) my watch 翻译 there is little milk in the bottle,A isnt there B is there C doesn t it D does it he can,t come to the party because he is very___A.happy B.funny C.busy D.strict We thought he wouldn't come to our party in such a heavy rain,But to our ______,he arrived on time.A.surprise B.surprises C.surprised D.surprising说说解题思路 Is your car black or red It is a black car 划线句子提问划线处为 black Why someone cannot fall asleep for a long time while it has been a deep night Please find some probabe reasons .l would so prepricate if anyone could help me solve my problems! I like to watch them play beach volleyball in the heat怎么翻译 twin,likes,his,kites,brother,making 连词成句 求希望之星英语风采大赛评委与选手的对话十组最好是初中组的,不过别的组别也可以,速求……我要的不是视频,是文字…… Is that your pencil?No. ____ is red.注意no后面是句号. 四川省希望之星英语风采大赛中学组初赛比赛项目都有哪些啊?大学组的是一分钟自我介绍和三分钟自命题演讲对么?