
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 00:16:20
英语翻译Films,___the one you told me about yesterday or the one that will be on,__not worth seeing.A.including ; is well as ; areC.besides; is D.such as; are把其它选项错的原因也写上 What do you think of teaching ,Bob?I find it fun and challenging .it is a job ____you are doing something serious but interesting .A:where B:which C:when D:that 为什么不是同谓语从句?分析分析啊! Get the car thoroughly checked; I want to be _______ worry on the trip.A.clear of of C.clear from from这几个选项1.告诉我哪几个搭配有误,我觉得是C2.选择D而不选其它的原因3.句意 英语选择题18,要解析 英语选择题求教12,13,14 一道英语选择题十二13Unlike tennis ,some sports,such as golf and rugby ,have been tried in the Olympic but ______A.have returned B.have never returned C.didn’t return D.returned请简单说明理由英语 英语选择题13-15? 1.( )you are free,why not go skating with us?A.Because B.Since C.As D.For 2.---( )is the engineer's husband?---The neighbor of your brother in the corner.A.Who B.What C.How D.Which3.A fireman discovered the ( ) of the fire.A.truth B.reason C.cause D. 15 题16.The company has imported a large quantity of ___from Europe since 1990.a) equipments b) an equipment c) equipment d) the equipment17.___ refers to the willingness and ability of producers to offer a good or service for sale.a) provision b) d 15道 1.Nobody knew what_______ the young man at that moment.A.happened to happening toC.has happened D.had happened2.---Did you see Mr Smith when you were in France?---No,when I _____ France,he had gone to China.A.had arrived to B.arrived to C. 25 ---How soon will you finish your college?---_____.A.After a year B.In a year\x05C.Before a year\x05D.A year before26.You can find __ island and an old man lives there alone,aloneB.a lonely, alone,lonelyD.a lonely,alone27.The little 15道英语选择题,在线等!急 英语15道选择题1.Do you often go to movies with your sister?—_______.A.No,she doesn't.B.Yes,I do.C.Yes,we do.2.Can you play the violin?Come and _____ us.A.speak B.shoe C.sing3.I usually have breakfast _____ 8:30 on weekends.A.around at ar 15道选择题英语 12、13、14、15选择题是什么, 除日本外,亚洲多数国家经济不发达,工业基础薄弱的主要原因是 ( )A、资源短缺 B、人口众多C、历史原因 D、经济落后再来一题:印度的人均国民生产总值不急马来西亚的七分之一,主要原 七年级下学期地理至少200道选择题 南北回归线之间划分为热带的原因是()A有极昼现象B有太阳直射现象 C没有太阳斜射现象 D赤道附近是全球夏季气温最高的地区地球公转轨道面与地球的夹角是()A0°B90°C23.5°D66.5°6月22日 每章都要有哦.越多越好的 【紧急】两道七年级上册地理的选择题初一地理练习(上册)1、下列关于对赤道的叙述,正确的是()A.赤道是划分纬度的起点线,是90°纬线 B.赤道是划分经度的起点线,是0°纬线C.赤道是南半 把粉碎"四人帮"以后全国开展的"关于整理标准问题的讨论"作为一次深刻的思想解放运动的主要依据是(D)A.果断停止了以阶级斗争的口号B.把党和国家的工作重心转移到经济建设上来C.形成 21.下列观点,可能得到梁启超赞誉或提倡的是A.天下大势,分久必合,合久必分 B.王者承天意以从事 C.五百年必有王者兴,其间必有名世者 D.历史者,叙述进化之现象也 我选了B 就说为什么不能选B吧. 1.春秋末年,鲁国贵族拥有封地300亩,另外开垦荒地200亩,按当时的规定,他应向国家交税的田亩数是( )A.300亩 B.200亩 C.500亩 D.100亩2.“昔圣王之处士也,使就闲燕:处工,就官府:处商,就市井: 为什么选c?提干说的不是"姬姓诸侯沿着交通线分布,大体与黄河流域主要生产区相吻合"吗?关提问的"向东分封"什么事? 怎样才能提高选择题的正确率啊? 怎样做好高中历史选择题 某厂原计划用72万元建造厂房,实际每间厂房的造价比原计划降低了1000元,只用了70万元.求原计划每间厂房的造价. 1、轮船顺流航行66千米所需时间和逆流航行48千米所需时间相等,已知水流速度每小时3千米,求轮船在静水中的速度.2、一船自甲地顺流航行至乙地,用了2.5小时,再由乙地返航至距甲地尚差2千米 会的人请进来看看哪!(列分式方程哦,1.有一项工程需要在规定日期里面完成,如果甲单独工作,刚好能够按期完成;如果乙单独工作,就要超过规定日期3天.现在甲,乙合作两天后,余下的工程由 1.现有浓度为10%的糖水350克,要把它变成浓度为30%的糖水,需加糖多少克?2.浓度为20%的盐水180克,要稀释成浓度为6%的盐水,